Project M

Snake (PM)

Revision as of 21:49, December 23, 2013 by (talk)
For the unmodded version of Snake, see Snake (SSBB).
in Project M and Project+
Snake SSBB.jpg
Universe Metal Gear
Base game appearance Brawl
Snake (SSBB)

Snake is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M.


Changes from Brawl to PM

Snake generally received multiple buffs, nerfs, and general changes from Brawl to PM.

  •   Can drag grabbed enemies sideways by using the left and right taunt buttons.
  •   Down smash's mines can now KO at lower percentages, can be planted quicker, and have a larger detection radius.
  •   Forward and back throw have very little knockback growth, so it is easier to throw opponents into mines and C4s.
  •   Grenades now explode quicker.
  •   Snake can stick C4 to players on the ground, and it has more KO potential. In addition, it can be planted much quicker and with no distinctive sound effect, while the detonation animation can be cancelled.
  •   Cypher now emits electricity when used, and causes opponents to take 6% damage flinch when in close radius.
  •   The mortar's trajectory can now be controlled.
  •   Significantly lighter; he is now only slightly heavier than Captain Falcon and Link.
  •   Only one grenade can be out at a time.
  •   Cypher gains less vertical distance.
  •   Snake cannot detonate a C4 that is far from him.
  •   Up tilt has been replaced with an uppercut that deals 12% damage and combos well at low percentages, similar to Captain Falcon's up smash from Smash 64.
  •   Has a different attack while crawling as opposed to just crouching: he will stab using a knife instead of using a spin kick. This deals 5% damage with low knockback, but can set up combos.
  •   Forward smash has been replaced with a knife combo, slashing twice. It has low knockback and deals up to 16% damage when fully charged.
  •   Down aerial's last stomp is now a meteor smash.
  •   Nikita has been replaced with Tranquilizer Gun. It can put a grounded opponent to sleep for one instant and causes airborne opponents to flinch, all while causing a little damage. It can be fired three times, but the fourth time will be a shield-cancelable reload to be able to fire three shots again.
  •   C4 no longer transfers between players, and doesn't disappear unless Snake dies or sets it off.
  •   His blue costume is more noticeable as a Blue Team costume.
  •   Up taunt has been changed to a taunt where Snake briefly smokes, taking 1% damage when he does so. In build prior to 3.0, Snake would instead touch his beard saying either "Tasty!" or "Not Even Close!"
  •   Side taunt now has Snake speak into his codec, saying, "Colonel, mission accomplished." Similar to one of Snake's victory poses.


Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack
Forward tilt
Up tilt
Down tilt
Dash attack
Forward smash
Up smash
Down smash
Neutral aerial
Forward aerial
Back aerial
Up aerial
Down aerial
Forward throw
Back throw
Up throw
Down throw
Floor attack (front)
Floor attack (back)
Floor attack (trip)
Edge attack (fast)
Edge attack (slow)
Neutral special Hand Grenade
Side special Tranquilizer
Up special Cypher
Down special C4
Final Smash Grenade Launcher

In competitive play

Notable players

External links