For the original version of Kirby which this mod's Kirby was based off of gameplay-wise, see Kirby (SSBM).
For the unmodded version of Kirby, see Kirby (SSBB).
in Project M and Project+
Kirby SSBB.jpg
Universe Kirby
Base game appearance Brawl
Kirby (SSBB)

Kirby is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M.


Changes from Brawl to PM

  •   Increased air speed, giving Kirby an easier time with combos and recovery.
  •   All tilts deal slightly stronger damage.
  •   Dash attack from Melee has returned, with more versatility; it has less ending lag and propels Kirby faster. It now also hits consecutive times, linking better and dealing more damage (12% as opposed to 8%). This means it has more combo ability and can setup an edgeguard.
  •   Neutral air initiates much faster and lasts for shorter, dealing a strong hit with increased knockback if sweetspotted.
  •   Hits of forward air link better and deal 17% damage total (5% more).
  •   Back air has more range at Kirby's front, similar to the Smash 64 version.
  •   Up aerial reverted to its Melee form, being a strong damaging and KOing move.
  •   Down aerial has faster start-up and deals 6 hits of 3% damage (6% more total), acting as a better edge-guarding move.
  •   Inhale and Grounded Hammer both have faster start-up.
  •   Most copy abilities are altered to be more familiar to Kirby's playstyle, rather than just being identical to those of the original character. For example, Chomp bites more times and deals stronger damage, while Chef shoots food faster.
  •   Can now aim Final Cutter horizontally when airborne, which gives a single hit of 8% damage and can be quickly canceled into an aerial as it ends, extending combo options. Also, Kirby can use any action (except another Final Cutter) afterwards, including an air dodge, extending his recovery.
  •   Stone now starts and falls faster, and gives Kirby gradually more powerful armor during its transformation. It gives light armor during start-up, then quickly turns into medium armor, and lastly it becomes heavy armor as Kirby transforms completely. Kirby can also act out of a detransformation sooner.
  •   Throws (except down throw) follow up beter into aerial attacks, increasing Kirby's KO ability.
  •   Down aerial no longer has a landing hitbox.
  •   Inhale deals less damage to foes when copying abilities.
  •   Grounded Hammer has a small but punishable sourspot, dealing 5% less damage than the strong hit.
  •   Stone now deals just 9% damage (half the original) when falling, and Kirby can now receive damage when transformed. When on the ground, it also last for a maximum of only one second.
  •   Forward and up throws deal less damage (4% and 7% respectively).
  •   Shares all copied neutral specials changes with the original characters, exceptions being: Bowser, Wario, Ivysaur, Squirtle, Lucario, Mewtwo, Lucas, Mr. Game & Watch, Olimar, Roy and Sonic.
    •   Chomp hold enemies for longer and bites more times, inflicting 5% damage and biting a maximum of 6 times, dealing 30% damage total. Can also spit enemies backwards.
    •   Flare Blade deals less damage when uncharged, but charges faster.
      •   He uses the final cutter sword rather than the Sword of Seals to perform the attack.
    •   Fire Breath cannot be flame-canceled and doesn't possess an ending bite.
    •   Cannot perform a super attack with Aura Sphere.
    •   Squirtle's and Olimar's abilities remain unchaged from Brawl, so Water Gun deals no damage when charged, and Pikmin Pluck cannot be used to "stall" in the air.
    •   Cannot perform a Blast Attack with Homing Attack, and possesses higher landing lag from hitting an opponent.
    •   For Wario's hat, Kirby now wears the yellow "W" cap as opposed to the biker cap.
    •   When copying Ivysaur's ability, Kirby will instantly have a charged Solar Beam. After using it, though, he won't be able to charge another and will be practically useless, so that he has to drop the hat and copy Ivysaur again in order to use another Solar Beam.
    •   For Lucas's ability, Kirby copies PK Freeze (side special) rather than Offense Up. It acts more like a traditional projectile; it still possesses high hitlag with 5% damage, but has faster start-up and is not land-cancelable.
    •   For Mewtwo's ability, copies Disable (down special) rather than Shadow Ball.
    •   Chef tosses foods much faster and is still land-cancelable, but cannot toss "giant" foods.
  •   Down throw kicks less times and deals 8% damage (4% less), but at low percentages acts better for tech-chasing.
  •   Only down taunt removes copy abilities.


Up to date as of [version].

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack
Forward tilt
Up tilt
Down tilt
Dash attack
Forward smash
Up smash
Down smash
Neutral aerial
Forward aerial
Back aerial
Up aerial
Down aerial
Glide attack
Forward throw
Back throw
Up throw
Down throw
Floor attack (front)
Floor attack (back)
Floor attack (trip)
Edge attack (fast)
Edge attack (slow)
Neutral special
Side special
Up special
Down special
Final Smash

External links