Combo Status is a Washington Smash crew famous for their dominant ruling of the Washington Power Rankings and combo status. The crew was formerly known as Ssssp!.
- Luigi Ka-master One of the best Luigi players in the world.
- DJ Combo Known for being very versatile with characters, as well as for his comboing ability and generally skilled extremely high level play.
- Silent Wolf Known for being one of the most technical players in the world.
- Eggz Known for being one of the best Mario users in the world.
- Gimpyfish Known for being one of the best Bowser users in the world, who also hugely contributed to Bowser's metagame before retiring.
- Combo Status is generally a secluded crew, known mostly to B.C. Canada, Oregon, and Washington as being their most active Smash crew. This is mainly due to the fact that they were recently formed and have not done much traveling to other parts of the world, and (while a few members have) they have not attended any major tournaments together as a crew.