SSBPD, also known as the Super Smash Bros. Player Database is a website for ranking the relative performance of Super Smash Bros. Melee players through an adaptation of the Elo rating system. These scores are determined by Tio files uploaded by tournament organizers; as a result, there are hundreds of players on the registry.
Top 25 Rankings as of 14 August 2012 | ||||
Rank | Player | Main | Region | Points |
1 | Armada | Sweden | 2149 | |
2 | Hungrybox | Florida, United States | 2026 | |
3 | Mew2King | New Jersey, United States | 1978 | |
4 | Dr. Peepee | North Carolina, United States | 1976 | |
5 | Wobbles | Arizona, United States | 1944 | |
6 | Mango | California, United States | 1930 | |
7 | Amsah | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 1894 | |
8-9 | Shroomed | California, United States | 1880 | |
8-9 | Kels | Illinois, United States | 1880 | |
10 | S2J | File:CFalconHeadSSBM.png | California, United States | 1847 |
11 | Lovage | California, United States | 1822 | |
12 | Jman | New York, United States | 1817 | |
13 | Zhu | California, United States | 1812 | |
14 | Taj | Arizona, United States | 1800 | |
15 | Hax | File:CFalconHeadSSBM.png | New York, United States | 1793 |
16-17 | Ice | Germany | 1790 | |
16-17 | Axe | Arizona, United States | 1790 | |
18 | Lucky | California, United States | 1770 | |
19 | Remen | Den Haag, the Netherlands | 1764 | |
20 | Zgetto | Utrecht, the Netherlands | 1757 | |
21 | Fly Amanita | California, United States | 1755 | |
22 | Silent Wolf | Washington, United States | 1750 | |
23 | Chu Dat | Virginia, United States | 1746 | |
24 | KirbyKaze | Ontario, Canada | 1743 | |
25 | Poilon | Paris, France | 1738 | |