- Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece. -President James Johnson, MGS2
I've been playing Smash on and off for the past few years as well as frequenting this wiki. Due to a lack of game consoles (my parents did not wish to buy any until the Wii), I have played the original SSB and SSBM on my laptop via emulators. Going to a friend's house once in middle school and playing some casual Brawl was what first exposed me to this game series. From that point on, I was captivated by the innovative gameplay, and I started by playing Super Smash Bros. on the Project64 emulator. I was fairly decent at it, although I found it to be a little too simple and combos to be unnecessarily long. I was impressed by Isai's competitive ability, and I soon found that Melee had a much bigger competitive scene. After watching many videos of Ken, Isai, Bombsoldier, Captain Jack, and countless other professionals, I finally got a computer capable of running Gamecube games on the Dolphin Emulator. After many months, I became pretty good at Melee despite having to play on a keyboard (which to me is now as natural as using an actual controller). In high school, my parents finally relented and bought a Wii for my brother and me, and naturally my first game was Brawl. It was in many respects easier than Melee, but nevertheless I found it to be extremely fun and better than Melee as far as competing against others is concerned. I first mained Marth due to my experience with him in Melee (and the fact that Ken was my Smash role model), but I soon grew to know the moveset of each character pretty well and I can play at a decent level with many characters (and I have a few mains now). I've never had the chance to attend a real tournament due to school-related time constraints, but in competitions against my classmates I've usually come out on top. Also, as you might be able to tell from my username, I'm a Metal Gear fan. I like the stealth gameplay, and the storyline is better than that of many novels.
About Me
I live in Nevada, and currently I'm a high school senior. I am currently ranked first in my class according to weighted GPA, and I have earned numerous academic awards and gotten a 5 on eight AP exams. That said, I am not at all averse to video games (as many of my classmates initially thought I would be). Smash is probably my favorite series, and I play it at home on the computer and Wii. There's also a Senior Lounge at my school where there's a TV and a Wii, and I've gone in there a few times as a junior and I plan to frequent the place as a senior. I'm better than most of my classmates/relatives at Brawl, even with "bad" characters like Ganondorf. Since I focus a lot of time on academics and sports, I don't have time to go to any Smash tournaments but I follow them pretty closely and I have a pretty extensive knowledge of Brawl's mechanics as well as every character's moveset. Finally, as far as contributions on this wiki go, I am keenly aware of the importance of proper grammar and spelling. I strive to do my best to make myself logical and clear, but of course, I am not perfect (English is actually not even my first language, my parents taught me Chinese first), and I will occassionally make mistakes while typing. Please feel free to correct me if that occurs.
Competency Tier Lists
Simple table of the characters I use most/best. Hover over the character's image for a short blurb.