Hithere. I'm from Italy and I'm a contributor to many other wikis, mostly game-based.
Currently I'm working on my own original wiki, the Crossover Wiki
Here's the page about Super Smash Bros. in the Crossover Wiki: [1]
My ideas/requests/aspectations/dreams about future Super Smash Bros. games
New features
- Alternate Character - Clone characters are something annoying but very cheap, so I think it would be better to have more of them, but downgraded into secondary characters: In my ideal SSB, the character select screen would only have original character (or formerly clones), but there would be a clone character for each one of them. After selecting your character, pressing a specific button flips their icon, revealing the clone character. The clones would have only aesthetical or statistic changes, so this way they could double the roaster of known faces, without adding any knew animations. Well, actually in my mind even if the clone's moveset is identical to the original character's, each one of them has a different Final Smash. Here's some clone abbinations I though of:
- Mario - Dr.Mario
- Link - Dark Link
- Samus - Samus-G
- Zero Suit Samus - Gandrayda
- Yoshi - Birdo
- Captain Falcon - Blood Falcon
- Peach - Daisy
- Zelda - Toon Zelda
- Sheik - Tetra
- Toon Link - Young Link
- R.O.B. - Ancient Minister
- Extra Costume - Like Wario in Brawl has two different costumes, each with a different set of palette swaps, in my ideal SSB game each character has one extra costume.
New Moves for existing character
- Adult Link's new Side Move: Beetle Since the new Adult Link will probably based on Skyward Sword's Link, I feel very likely they'll replace the Boomerang, that's not in SS, with one of that game's new weapons, the Beetle, that in fact serves the same purposes of the Boomerang in Zelda. In SSB it works just like the Boomerang in Brawl, grabbing the opponents and pulling them to Link, butit can also be controlled in mid-air.
- Toon Link's new Final Smash, to further differentiate him from Adult Link: Four Sword - As soon as Link touches the Smash Ball, the camera zooms on him and the game freezes for the other characters while he takes the Four Sword from its pedestal. After it he splits in four. From this point on Link has three CPU controlled Link teammates. They are regular Links, with no special powers but remain on-screen for an entire minute, before disappearing with the Four Sword.