Template:Proposed policy This is basically listing block reasons and giving suggested times.
Let's start with the basics. This is the most common block reason.
IP vandalism
- First time content removal This is when an IP makes a single edit that constitutes as blanking a section of a page. Because this is sometimes an editing accident or test, it is best to just give a warning or a couple hour block. At most, in the case of blanking entire pages, it should be a day long block.
- First time minor vandalism "Minor vandalism" is a pretty general category, ranging from typing "asdfgh" randomly into an article, from saying "Mario sucks" at the top of the Mario page. Here it's pretty obvious that the IP is intentionally vandalizing, but since in this case it is for "one time" vandals, this earns a 3 day block in most cases.
- Repeated content removal In this case, it is pretty obvious that the guy is intentionally doing stuff, so this constitutes a 3 day block.
- Repeated minor vandalism Repeated minor vandalism often indicates that the IP has much stronger malicious intent than if they make a single minor vandalism. Because of this, a week should be the block length in most cases.
- Creation of vandal pages Because of the difficulty to clean this up, a week long block should be the punishment.
- Major vandalism Major vandalism is much worse than minor vandalism. This can be because it's more profane, or changes more parts of an article. While minor vandalism can sometimes go unnoticed on larger wikis, major vandalism rarely is. Because the IP seems to be taking a lot of time doing this, and clearly wishes attention, a week long block is deserved at the very least, and they should not be allowed to edit their talk pages.
Note that committing further offenses after the ban has ended deserveres a longer block, in some cases even a permaban.
User vandalism
User vandalism means that a vandal took the time to create the account. This almost always indicates a greater malicious intent. User vandals who commit any of the above offenses should be given the same or larger block length. In addition, there are some types of vandalism that only users can commit.
- Sockpuppet vandalism In the case of this, all accounts associated with the IP should be given a 2 week block length at the very least.
- Title vandalism When users abuse their ability to move to the extent where they vandalize the page's title, they should be given a 2 week long block, as it can be difficult to clean up.
- Spamming Spambots should be permabanned on site, as they have little to no possibility of ever being good editors.
- Protected page vandalism Protected page vandalism is difficult to clean up, and it shows obvious malicious intent. This may warrant up to a month's block.
- Uploading of inappropriate images Because of the difficulty the clean up, they sheer level of vulgarness, and overall malicious intent, a permaban should be the block length for this.
- Unacceptable usernames For obvious reasons, these should be permabanned, though you generally shouldn't block the IP as well, unless they recreate a similar offending account multiple times.
Personal attacks
Personal attacks are generally the second most common offense on wikis.
- Single minor PA "Minor" PAs are stuff that usually you won't take too offensively, like calling someone an idiot. If a user only does this once to another user, then it may mean that they didn't really mean to attack another user (for example they may have said "you idiot" as a shorthand of "you are acting like an idiot". In this case, a warning should generally be applied first.
- Repeated minor PAs If a user personally attacks a user multiple times, it usually means that this is no accident. This should require a 1 week block if the user refuses to stop after warnings.
- Major personal attack This is much harsher than a minor PA. A major PA is much more direct, and more personal. Something like "You are a fucktarded idiot who should kill themselves" easily fits this. Whether it is a single offense or major, it warrants a month long block. Also note anything in the list on SW:NPA lands in this category as well.
Power abuse
Administrator abuse
In almost all cases of this, the admin should lose his or her powers in addition to the block they are given.
- Block abuse If an administrator blocks a user who has not disrupted the wiki or violated any polices, they should receive at least a 2 month long block, though if the abuses are severe enough, as much as a permaban may occur.
- Protect abuse If an admin uses page protection as part of an edit war, a month long block should be given.
- Deletion abuse If an administrator clearly is using their deletion powers to hide evidence of edits or activity (unless they are vandalism), then a 2 month long block may be made.
Rollback abuse
- Usage simply for undoing good faith edits Though this is not what rollback should be used for, this is often done as a first time mistake. Thus users should only be blocked for this is they ignore multiple warnings.
- Edit warring usage Usage during an edit war is clear abuse, and up to a week long block may be given.
This is for less severe policies that new users often accidentally violate. If the user is very new, always give warnings first. In most cases, blocks should only be handed out for repeat violations.
Violation of SW:TALK Block for a max of 3 days. If they continue to violate the policy after that, give a slightly longer block.
Violation of signature policies Refusal to sign, or using an unacceptable signature, should at most get a 3 day block.
Violation of SW:1RV While warnings should always be applied, continuing the violation in the same edit war may prompt an instant day long block.
Disruption Disrupting the wiki, such as repeated trolling on forums, or bringing an offsite conflict onto the wiki, may receive up to a week long block.