This is SmashPeter.
I got Super Smash Bros. Brawl when I was 11, having wanted it when a boy who went to my school held it up in a French Lesson. Some people say the game is rubbish, but I don't agree with them. Most people in my school say that the Wii is no match for the Xbox 360 or PS3, but I don't support Nintendo rival consoles. I think those consoles are the ones that are rubbish. Sales of all Nintendo rival consoles have got to slow at some time, but the best-selling console in history must be made by Nintendo. CONSOLE MADE IN CHINA BY FOXCONN.
I would like to gain loyalty to Nintendo, which means I won't become an employee at them but will design games and consoles for them. My current video game developers are Square Enix Europe and Silverball Studios. I am the greatest Mario fan ever. I normally use Silverball Studios for my games, but I have come up with a Super Smash Bros. game for the 3DS, which will be developed by Square Enix Europe. The violence in the game is extremely strong and when an enemy is knocked off the upper screen, you have to bash them yourself until they can't take any more and either their head falls off or they get smashed to pieces. Also, an enemy character will bleed if hit with a sharp object such as a sword. If an Ultimate Chimera (one of those pink dinosaurs) bites an enemy in New Pork City, they will go shooting off with a streak of blood trailing behind them.
I am 12 years old and I live in South East England, just 16 miles south-west of London. I have a Super Mario Wiki account, in which I am called Pdjr9000, and also a Wikipedia account, in which I am called Pdiddyjr.
Latin what? These are the real lyrics to the theme tune to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I'll be the Darth
Eat a noob
So this is Yoshi's feet
If not he, has a party
I'll be the Darth
Eat a noob
He's going through a bread
You can't eat with a spoon
Why are there some videos?
Why, only throw them on Venus!
There's more people
He's porting
Huh? Are more people speaking?
Yes, more please
Oh, jeez, let me if
We only need for best
Yes-men, yeah
There is a condo
Don't expect congrats
OK (Orl Korrect), these are misheard lyrics but I think they're better.
External Links
Pdjr9000's page on Super Mario Wiki
Pdiddyjr's page on Wikipedia