Forum:SmashWikiz kk?

Revision as of 09:31, February 11, 2010 by Toomai (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index Watercooler SmashWikiz kk?

So since I recently promised to stop trolling I have to find other ways to entertain myself on this site. And since banning people for not being from Argentina isn't really a good idea either, I decided to go another route. Here, I present my official petition to change the name of this site from SmashWiki to SmashWikiz. Note the "Z" at the end. I think this would be a great way to excite new users and give old users something new. Here are the top five reasons to add this:

  1. This will make me happy and I'll stop trolling entirely for a few weeks (weekz)
  2. Mad Cow disease is invading the United States
  3. 13375poolR might not know what happened and go away
  4. Gold has been found in the old west
  5. Itz teh wikiz, kk?

So, tell me what you guys think. Semicolon (talk) 05:42, February 11, 2010 (UTC)

Humouring you for a moment...
  1. If you say so.
  2. I'm Canadian; the US does not concern me.
  3. He hasn't been here for a while; you can't fix problems that don't exist at the moment.
  4. Ooo, gold! Send in RED and BLU to pick it up. ????? Profit!
  5. It's a common fallacy that adding "z" to the end of things makes them cooler. Just look at some of the shovelware out there.
However, I would agree to changing the wiki's logo to something more wiki-like. Maybe a Wikipedia-style jigsaw sphere with a Smash Ball's paint job and the universal symbols on each piece. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png The Stats Guy 13:31, February 11, 2010 (UTC)