Tournament:Bushido Impact

Bushido Impact is a French association hosting video games tournaments around Paris. Their events are called the same way. They've been interested in Brawl since their 5th Event.

They're known in the French Smash community for being the most attended Brawl tournament events in France up to now.

They announced a Melee tournament as well during the 7th Event, but due to the lack of players who were attending, it was cancelled. However, they claimed during the Nibai event that the next event would feature a Melee tournament.

Association members

  • Bushido, president
  • Darkslatter, vice-president
  • L22, treasurer, secretary
  • Orochi, technician
  • Renegad, webmaster
  • Dry, video recorder/maker
  • Zocko
  • Abou
  • Aka D. Namara
  • Shin_Rickyo
  • Ban
  • Kyo
  • Herman (using the tag Ao Ki when playing Brawl)
  • Issuke
  • Infrnal
  • SSJ
  • Overgames
  • Yuki
  • Edilson
  • Moruto
  • Hotmilk


  • Fate : Unlimited codes
  • Street Fighter III : 3rd Strike
  • Street Fighter IV
  • Naruto Ultimate Ninja : Storm
  • Naruto : Narutimate Accel 2
  • Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
  • Soul Calibur IV
  • Super Smash Bros Melee
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl

Current Brawl Rules

External link

Current Melee Rules

External link (forum)

Brawl Tournament Results (Singles)

Convention tournaments are not included.

5th Impact

    • Took place in Paris on May 8th, 2008. Around 40 players attended.

1: KillOne
2: Blad01
3: Overgames
5: SJL Powa
5: Dyan
5: Ting
5: Star7
5: Bjay
9: Sam
9: Mudhoulouse
9: Kenedeah
9: Manu
9: SJL Baby
9: SJL Superstar
9: Leon
9: Metaknightmare


  • First Bushido Impact event to feature Brawl.
  • KillOne won without using his main.

6th Impact

    • Took place in Paris on August 23th, 2008.



  • This tournament was the first of the three Bushido Impact events that Leon won in a row, and one of the 7 tournaments he won in a row, considering anime conventions.

7th Impact

    • Took place in Paris on November 11th, 2008. 82 players attended.

1: Leon
2: Shugoo
3: KillOne
3: yama
5: Kaos
7: Bjay
9: Ao Ki
9: Overgames
9: Glarion
13: Zulu
13: Ulquiorra
13: Achoral
13: neji9
17: Charby
17: D.M.R.
17: Diconico
17: SSJ
17: Blad01
17: Babar
25: Madi
25: Yuurio
25: Marv
25: Marusu
25: DragonShin
25: Linkin
25: Kaigo
25: Cow
33: Walui
33: Akita
33: Andy
33: Naren
33: Manko
33: Surimi
33: Louisdebou
33: Fou
49: Awolo
49: Lord
49: Sho
49: Awa2a
49: Vince
49: Cam
49: INf
49: JSL
49: Mr Prince
49: Shadow
49: K18
49: Taraoka


  • This tournament was the last Bushido Impact event that Leon won in a row, and one of the 7 tournaments he won in a row, considering anime conventions.
  • Since this Bushido Impact, singles are played in double elimination, featuring looser brackets. However, doubles are still played in single elimination.
  • Melee singles were supposed to be played, but due to the lack of players, it was cancelled. However, the game was still available as free play.
  • Doubles detailed results of this tournament were lost.

8th Impact

    • Took place in Malakoff on February 1st, 2009. 105 people attended.

1: Kaos
2: Glutonny
3: Leon
4: Gemini
5: Achoral
7: Shugoo
7: Charby
9: Blad01
9: Manko
9: Glarion
9: Bjay
13: Kaigo
13: Cyr
13: DMR
13: Irios
17: JSL
17: Babar
17: Neji9
17: Fiasko7even
17: SSJ
17: Im_Hope
17: Walui
17: KillOne
25: Linkin
25: Nives
25: M'
25: Auron
25: Garian
25: Akira
25: Lee
25: Fouad
33: Overgames
33: Milo
33: Arcanum
33: Spatro
33: Azan
33: Vince
33: Orb
33: Karma
33: Louisdebou
33: Asthaleas
33: Seb
33: Jordy
33: Jayce
33: Yama
33: Oniw
33: K18
49: Psikos
49: Adol
49: Zulu
49: Doraki
49: Geko
49: Ulquiorra
49: Sho
49: Cronos
49: Godot
49: SantanPu
49: Killik
49: DragonShin
49: Kirua
49: Jin
49: Yanoux555
49: Drizzt


  • This was the most attended Bushido Impact event, and the most attended French Brawl tournament up to now.
  • This was the first offline tournament that Gemini attended.
  • Leon's Peach got 3 stocked twice by a 13 years old Wario player, Glutonny : during pools, and during the winner finale. It the first tournament he attended.
  • In this tournament, looser brackets were played in best of 1 because of lack of time, up to the quarterfinals.
  • None of the matches were recorded in the doubles, and the doubles finale couldn't be played, as Gemini had to leave, forcing him and Bjay to forfeit, giving the victory to Glarion and Achoral. All 4 players shared the cash prize.
  • Glarion and Achoral ranked first together in the doubles, but, ironically, in the singles, Glarion lost to Achoral in both winner and looser brackets.

Nibai Impact

    • Took place in Lassy on April 10th and 11th, 2009. 83 people attended.

1: Glutonny
2: Kaos
3: Im_Hope
4: Bjay
5: KillOne
5: Leon
7: Manko
9: Glarion
9: Auron
9: Nishi
9: Zulu
13: Kinsk
13: Ace
13: Charby
17: Tifa
17: Adol
17: Mr Prince
17: Masta
17: Blad01
17: ThePunisher
17: Seiya
17: Le Syd
25: Geneke
25: Jayix
25: Cow
25: Scarhi
25: Jayce
25: Saske
25: 777
25: EverKill
33: K4RIM
33: Karma
33: Asthaelas
33: SEB
33: Adri
33: PicktoZ
33: Unski
33: Kirik
33: Nives
33: Tsume
33: MaTek
33: Lambo
33: Psikos
33: BeKill
33: Ulquiorra
33: Color
49: Yoos
49: ZubZebi
49: SPK
49: Telu
49: K18
49: Zéphyr
49: Shadow
49: Mat
49: Smith
49: nintenpro
49: Kick
49: Mika
49: Lanou
49: Kidou
49: Majin


  • It was the first of the Bushido Impact series to last more than one day, justifying the "Nibai" ("Ni" means "two" in Japanese) name.
  • It was the first Brawl tournament to feature a low tier event. The allowed characters were from the E, F and G ranks of the Tier list 2.0.
  • Due to the amount of players who asked for it, stages rules were modified : Yoshi's Island (SSBB) was moved from Neutrals to Counterpicks, and Brinstar, Luigi's Mansion, Norfair, Rainbow Cruise and Jungle Japes were added to the list of counterpicks. The players asked for the time limit to be set to 8 minutes instead of 6 and for the doubles to be played in double elimination too, but the staff refused.[1]
  • Epita Smash Arena 3 was taking place on the same days, explaining the decreased number of players.

External links


  1. ^ Blad01's rules modifications thread