Forums: Index Watercooler Tense

Past tense or present for articles about Melee or the original? My preference would be present tense, since, well, people still play those two games, and using the past tense would cast the impression that they're "dead games" or something. I'd like your opinions before making any sweeping copy-edits to change it to present tense, though. MaskedMarth (t c) 19:35, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

I guess I should give an example. He's a short one: A similar move in SSBM (called the Wall-grapple) existed for Link, Young Link and Samus. My proposed change would be to change the "existed" to "exists." And to make similar tense changes for all such references to Melee and SSB. MaskedMarth (t c) 19:37, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

I completely agree, but it's a daunting task to try and change it all. Too much of the site is written like so...

Subject is used for such-and-such in SSBM.

In the original Smash, ...

In Brawl... though it were written about Melee, they remebered the original and then Brawl was tacked on later. Other ones written about Brawl initially refer to the other two as if they are no longer played. This is definitely a problem that needs fixing. Miles (talk - contribs) 21:29, 18 November 2008 (UTC)