Lucas's PK Starstorm.
Ness's PK Starstorm

PK Starstorm is Lucas' and Ness's Final Smash. He rains down a series of meteors from the sky, which strike the stage. The move is more effective on smaller stages. Ness has a version of this attack as well, except the meteors shoot out in a fan-like pattern, while Lucas's shoots straight downward.

When Lucas performs the move, each meteor does 14% damage upon impact. Ness's do 20% damage apiece.

Neither Lucas nor Ness actually learn PK Starstorm in their respective games. PK Starstorm is used by Poo (EarthBound) and Kumatora (Mother 3); however, this is not the first time PSI attacks have been "borrowed" in the Super Smash Bros. series, as both Lucas and Ness use PSI moves that they do not learn in their respective games.

Template:Ness Special Moves

Template:Lucas Special Moves