Forum:Is c-sticking considered cheating?

Forums: Index Brawl Talk Is c-sticking considered cheating?

S U D S, the title is for TITLES, not the whole freakin' conversation. FyreNWater - (TalkContributions ) 09:50, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Allright. Is c-sticking considered cheating, or is it tolerable and the thing most players use to pull off quick regular smashes and power air attacks?

If you believe the C-stick to be cheating, that's a good sign that you may not be as much of a smash expert as you once thought, and would be murdered in a tournament setting. :^) It is not disallowed in competitive rules at any serious tournament as far as I know and this is mainly because when you reach a certain level of play, you understand fully that there is far more difficult techniques than being able to smash with the A button. For instance, good luck doing this without the C-stick.
That said, A button smashes are still widely used in certain situations and many players still prefer them, as it offers a little bit of in-game foresight to know when even a split-second charge can make the difference between whether or not you hit your opponent. And even the best players get smoked by a beefy full-charged smash now and again, too. --RJM Talk 23:29, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Was that directed at fyre? I don't think and didn't say I was at any point a smash expert. Assuming you're right, no one would have a problem if I started using the c-stick for all attacks previously performed using A? I'm also assuming I'm naive in thinking that the "big boys" that I watch on youtube simply had near-perfect timing and placement with their attacks? Are they any notable players that you have at least heard use the c-stick? Also, I was mainly talking about air attacks ( primarily f-air's and d-air's). I've been killed quite a bit lately by being f-aired while returning and have been curious as to whether or not they c-stick, considering they seemed to be swinging at me faster than I do at them with my air attacks. Going back to what I said in my first sentence, would it be tolerable for me to use the c-stick with Ness's bat, Bowser and Peach's f-air, or any of Falcon's attacks? --SUDS