Pay4Tenth "M.A.T.T."
Character info
Ultimate main R.O.B.
Team info
Sponsor(s) Dusk Esports
Personal and other info
Location Houston, Texas USA

Pay4Tenth (formerly known as GyroHut, M.A.T.T. and MatTou) is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate R.O.B. player from Houston, Texas. He had accumulated wins on top Houston players such as Buandon, Suit, 3manac0, JewMuffin, BC, and more. He was formerly ranked 9th on the Houston Power Rankings.

Tournament placings


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Tournament Date 1v1 placement 2v2 placement Partner
Interstellar 1 August 6th, 2022 33rd / 79
Shots Fired March 11th, 2023 17th / 192
Rise 'N Grind 2023 October 13th-15th, 2023 97th / 443
Interstellar 2 November 27th, 2023 49th / 109
Route 210 February 24th, 2024 17th / 112 5th / 14 Suit
See Me Offline: The Krebs return Regional March 30th, 2024 17th / 116
Bob-omb Quarterly 6 November 23rd, 2024 9th / 112

Physical assault allegation

On March 14th, 2022, a Smash player known as PatTou released a statement on Twitter regarding Pay4Tenth, who was known as MatTou back then, accusing MatTou of physically assaulting and robbing her after beating him in a best of 5 money match[1]. Following PatTou's statement, some TOs proceeded to ban Gyrohut [2][3]. This incident even led MatTou to being registered in the now-defunct Global Ban Database.

MatTou would deny the allegation, claiming their money match was a first to 5, not a best of 5, and that PatTou stole his $50 after going up 3-2 in the set, while refusing to give it back nor finish their set. MatTou also alleges that PatTou would then provoke him to "fight her for it", but claims he did not fight her, with him only responding by snatching the money from her hand and kicking her out of his hotel room. He would additionally claim PatTou called the police and brought them with her when she returned, leading to MatTou being detained for 20 minutes as she retrieved her stuff from the room, telling the police that he assaulted her.[4] The police would release MatTou with no charges, finding no evidence of any assault taking place, and this lack of concrete evidence for PatTou's claims would lead to MatTou being unbanned from tournaments, as well as having his name removed from the Global Ban Database
