Donkey Kong at Slamfest '99.
DK and Mario duking it out in the ring.
Photo from the N64 Magazine article. Also used in X64 Magazine.
Photo from Nintendo Magazine System article, Issue 75, June 1999
Slamfest '99 producer Ed Espinoza posing with Mario and DK outside the ring.
Associated Press photo from the Sacramento Bee article. Also used in the Contra Costa Times article.
Title card for Slamfest '99 created for the Zelda 64 Planet website.
"The matchup". Composite image created for the Zelda 64 Planet website.
"The Location"
"Donkey Kong"
"Donkey Kong's Tie"
"Mario stirs up the crowd"
"Start of match"
"Mario & Donkey Kong"
"Mario bites the dust"
"Yoshi seeks revenge"
"Yoshi & Pikachu"
"Pikachu goes down"
"Crash, N64 style"
"It's over!"
N64 Magazine, Issue 29, June 1999, Page 13.
Nintendo Magazine System magazine article, Issue 75, June 1999
Steven L. Kent, The Ultimate History of Video Games, Page 327
X64 Magazine, June 1999, page 19
The Sacramento Bee, April 25th, 1999
Winnipeg Free Press, April 29, 1999, Page C10. Image is a screenshot of a newspaper database.
Contra Costa Times, April 25th, 1999. Image is a photo of a computer screen displaying a newspaper database.
A Donkey Kong plush featuring promotional material for Slamfest '99.
A ticket for Slamfest '99 that came with the plush.
A tag attached to the plush referencing the ticket and the game's release date.
Another Donkey Kong plush.