Tournament rulesets (SSB)

Tournament legal describes the settings that can be used in many competitive Super Smash Bros. tournaments. Because some stages, settings, and rulesets can lead to degenerate gameplay, tournament organizers have generally agreed on enforcing the following conditions in tournament play:

Tournament rules (normal)

  • 5 stock (sometimes 4 or 6 stock)
  • No items
  • Team Attack (TA) on (for teams)
  • Damage Ratio normal
  • No handicap
  • Life-stealing allowed
  • No stage can be picked twice in a row, but they can be chosen again
  • A stage can be reset after being chosen randomly, but if it happens again or picked, it can be chosen
  • If a Ness is picked, Saffron City can be banned for random picks, but may be counter-picked
  • Camping/edge-stalling not allowed
  • Congo Jungle cargo-stalling (Isai discovered this) is normally allowed (though BIG argument)

Banned (Always)

Allowed (Always)

Other Notes

  • Hyrule Castle and Dream Land are the most common choices, followed by slob picks of Saffron City and Congo Jungle.

See also