
Hey hey i do not know who messed with the setup, but listen up. ALL final smashes can destroy opponents. Some (and by some i mean Critical Hit) have the potential to destroy in just one mighty blow. But seriously, Critical Hit is, in fact, the only FS that will absolutely positively destroy your opponent if it hits. I think the ENTIRE part with the "One-Hit KO" stuff is only there because someone wanted to show off Marth's stupid strong FS. Sure, some can ONLY defeat opponents if they have higher damage (Galaxia Darkness, Peach Blossom, and practically every FS auctually). So, please, someone get rid of that large, unsightly collumn...it's making me sick.--Oxico 22:47, 26 March 2008 (UTC)


OK. Apparently, someone doesn't understand why I made the edits I made.

1. "New" and "debuting" are almost never good words to use in an encyclopedia article? What'll happen if/when SSB4 comes out? It won't be so "new" anymore then. Even if not, the usage of "new" just won't apply anyways once Brawl ages.

2. There's more than one Final Smash.

3. I put "in comparison to most other attacks" because it gives the sentence a comparison. I could say that a regular smash attack is "incredibly powerful" depending on what I mean by "incredibly powerful".

4. Final Smashes DO NOT auto-kill every time it hits. This is easily demonstrable with the game. Try using Galaxia Darkness on a fresh (0%) character.

5. I made the last paragraph much more concise. Is that a crime?

6. You can describe the PFS on its respective page.

-Capefeather 20:33, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

I merged in the info from PFS to here. A pity FS isn't so different that they need to pages on the subject. --Sky (t | c | w) 20:41, 9 March 2008 (UTC)
Well, I'm not the one who decided such things. The page was there, so I felt it was redundant to describe it here. Now that it's deleted, I guess everyone's happy ^_^ -Capefeather 20:49, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

Why does peach blossom lack ko ability? Have you seen it used on a scrolling stage? Not to mention that you can smash opponents at your leisure.

The Final Smashes are ridiculously unbalanced. Now, I'm the type who likes playing with items, hates Final Destination, etc... but characters like Sonic, Dedede, and Wolf have an extremely easy time getting the smash ball. Not only that, but they all have Final Smashes that they can pull off at any moment, making it nearly impossible to knock it out of them in time (as opposed to Ike, Meta Knight, Link, or even Mario who need to aim before using their Final Smash). In addition, their Final Smashes are immensely powerful (well, not Dedede so much, but it's still pretty much guaranteed to get one or two KO's) while characters like Mario or Link don't have particularly damaging final smashes.

Sign with tides. --Oxico 22:47, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

Pity Final Smash

You make it sound like I haven't tested this, go ahead, set items to none, enter say a 5 minute match with Captain Falcon and the damage ratio set to 2. Then use Raptor Boost to kill the other guy over and over until he gets a Pity Final Smash. It really works, I'm not making it up like you say I am. Or do I need to somehow produce a video proving my point? Because I don't have any capturing software...--Phred 15:32, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

I thought that if you turn off smash balls no one can get a final smash of any kind? You may be right i'm not sure and i can't prove you wrong or right at the moment. Wait until later today for people to see this and test it. Carbonkirby 16:09, 12 May 2008 (UTC)