Can someone change Kat & Ana's image in the infobox so it matches their appearance in Game & Wario? Juju1995 (talk) 16:13, 29 October 2015 (EDT)

Kat and Ana's artwork

Why Kat and Ana (5-Volt as well) have a older art of them instead of a more recent one?

Wario's design in Smash doesn't match his look in WarioWare Gold one to one (not counting the "Hurry Up!" on his jacket), and Ashley's design didn't even came from Gold:; and yet they still use Gold art on their pages, even when Kat and Ana as master spirits affect gameplay in a way other spirits can't and have unique dialogue. --Improvisado (talkcontribs) 11:05, October 11, 2022 (GMT)