Does MkLeo still use Joker

Hi, I have noticed that during the online tournaments that Leo barely uses Joker in the series. So does he still use him or experimenting with new fighters as mains? S3AHAWK   (Talk) 00:16, April 28, 2020 (EDT)

He simply doesn't want to use Joker online because he is too technical for online. He usually goes fall easier neutral-based characters like Cloud and Lucina online. But I am sure for he will still use Joker for offline.   Naughty🐽GRAND DAD 自閉肥宅   00:20, April 28, 2020 (EDT)
Thanks for letting me know. Im concerned because I'm also a Joker main. S3AHAWK   (Talk) 00:24, April 28, 2020 (EDT)

MKleo joker is back

I saw a video with mkleo playing joker Dcx (talk) 16:43, May 28, 2022 (EDT)

Still we have no idea if he is going to use Joker in tournaments again. Why don't we wait till he uses Joker in tournaments again like he did in pre-COVID-19? CSR (talk) 16:45, May 28, 2022 (EDT)