Not to be confused with Smash World.
Website logo

SSB World is an Smash 4 and Ultimate community-driven database for competitive tournaments. It currently has over 17,000 players having an SSB World profile, around 54,000 videos and 158,000 games uploaded on the SSB World database. The website currently features creating Smash 4 matchup charts and a tier list. An app will also release on both Android and Apple mobile devices. Rankings such as Cloudhead Live Rankings and Wi-Fi Warrior Rank created by Cloudhead are also blogs on SSB World. The goal is to build the largest library of Smash 4 and Ultimate videos and players in order to help players advance their character skills, matchup knowledge and opponent knowledge. SSB World only allows competitive offline tournament matches of Smash 4 and Ultimate singles best of 3/best of 5 sets. The website currently says "SSB World is no longer an active site and user content creations are no longer supported. Thanks for all of your contributions over the years." at the top.

Matchup and Players

Blogs can provide tips such as beating Marth with Greninja. Players can use the players database to search for players they faced against in tournament matches. A list of top player mains for every character, that dynamically adjusts as new data comes in. A new feature where players can add matchup tips to any characters specific matchup will help players learn the matchup better.

SSB World Leaders

The leaders of SSB World are listed below:

  • AnthonySSBWorld (Anthony D. Nelson) - The founder and one of the leaders of SSB World, responsible for the product and marketing.
  • AKD22 (AKdixon) - One of the leaders of SSB World, responsible for the development management and the mobile apps.

External links