Roman Tripp "BHLMRO"
Team info
Crew(s) TB
Personal and other info
Real name Roman Tripp
Location Seymour, Missouri United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Pro-Am
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BHLMRO is a smash player from a small town in Missouri. Sadly there isn't much melee players in the town but he is the best. BHLMRO is mostly known for playing SSB64 Online and making videos for youtube.


BHLMRO Started super smash by playing the original on the N64. Though he was only 6 so he didn't know much. Well...He didn't know about anything! He always questioned how to use ness's yo yo...But that was then. Later on he went to a friends house and saw his friend have a gamecube and melee! BHLMRO was shocked and played it all night (literally). Later on he saved money for a gamecube and melee and bought it after a year of saving. BHLMRO Then started playing melee then on. From the day BHLMRO Bought it he got all characters in 7 days. This may not seem that fast but at this time BHLMRO was only around 8 and didn't know how to taunt or never thought the C-stick did anything. BHLMRO Stopped smash after around the age of 9. Later BHLMRO got back into it at the age of 12 and has been playing ever since! When BHLMRO was 12 he figured out there was a way to play ssb64 online! He later figured out how with Project64k and started playing SSB64. Ever since then BHLMRO has been playing smash.

Combo video

BHLMRO is starting to work on his first combo video. It will consist of only fox and real game combos. Title TBA

External Links

BHLMRO Public Profile