Smashcords logo

Smashcords is a directory of other Super Smash Bros. series-related Discord servers (unofficially referred to by the community as simply "cords") by Lewdcario. There are several listings for all of the Smash games, with several of them having varied types of servers to fit several purposes. It originally began as a set of character-centric Skype groups for Smash 4.

Server Filters

  • General servers listed on the website are topical Smash servers that cover a variety of needs, such as coaching or tournaments.
  • Tourney servers listed on the website are Smash servers that are focused on competitive tournaments.
  • Local servers listed on the website are Smash servers that are focused on specific regions or states.
  • Character servers listed on the website are Smash servers that are focused on providing resources, matchup info, and discussion on a specific character. Jokercord has over 15,000 members as of November 2020, and Bylethcord is currently Discord Partnered with over 7,000 members. Terrycord is partnered with SNK and has over 6,000 members.

Floof Bot

Floof Bot is a Discord bot built by Lewdcario that several Smash-related Discord servers use. It has been designated as the dedicated bot used by Smashcords, and nearly all of the listed servers have Floof Bot in use. Features of Floof include user profiles to show characters, friend codes, and other information, basic moderation features, reaction roles, and others.

External links