My character selection screen organized horizontally by series. Mythra icons are placeholders for the last two dlc characters.
Echos not stacked
(Mario and DK)
(Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Yoshi and Wario)
(Zelda, Kirby and Kid Icarus)
(Star Fox, Metroid and Retro)
(Fire Emblem, EarthBound and Xenoblade)
(Sega, Capcom, Square Enix and Konami)
(all other characters alongside the random option)
Echos stacked
(Mario, Yoshi, Wario and DK)
(Pokémon, Kirby and Kid Icarus)
(Zelda, Retro, Little Mac)
(Star Fox, Metroid, Pac-Man, Snake and Simon)
(Fire Emblem, EarthBound, Animal Crossing and Xenoblade)
(All other third parties alongside Miis and the random option)