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Prominence Revolt
File:Prominence Revolt.gif
Pyra using Prominence Revolt.
User Pyra
Universe Xenoblade Chronicles

Prominence Revolt (プロミネンスリボルト, Prominence Revolt) is Pyra's up special move in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


When used, Pyra leaps into the air, before diving downwards and creating a pillar of fire. It functions similarly to other diving up special moves, though contrary to the norm its meteor smash is very weak. As a result, it is considerably less viable to utilize the move for a sacrificial KO in comparison to similar up specials, though its weak meteor smash can gimp opponents with weaker recoveries which is only practical if Pyra has the stock lead. On the contrary, it is incredibly powerful for a move of its kind onstage, being able to KO most characters at around 100% if the attack is positioned right; this makes it a very powerful out of shield option, though it is quite punishable on shield.

Instructional quotes

  Move List   Leap into the air and then drop quickly, stabbing downward. Upon landing, a pillar of fire will appear in front of you.


Prominence Revolt is Pyra's Level 2 Special in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. In the original game, Pyra made less of a leap into the air, likely due to the ground-based combat of the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
