
Revision as of 16:22, September 25, 2010 by Mr. Anon (talk | contribs) (→‎Clones in SSBM: dair isn't different at all)

A clone character is a common inclusion in the Super Smash Bros. series, and many other fighting games as well. It describes two or more characters that have nearly identical movesets with slight variations in the attacks. From the developer's perspective, a given character's model can be used as a base template from which to build another, and it is usually evident which one is the "original" and which is the clone. Most clones are from the same series of games.


Semi-cloning (sometimes known as Luigification) is when a character has some attacks that are similar to those of another character, while still having some variation in terms of moveset or special attacks. The term originated from Luigi, who was originally nearly indistinguishable from Mario, but has slowly been given his own unique characteristics and attacks (this is similar to the development of Luigi throughout the Mario series' development). Many clones from Melee were then given semi-clone qualities before they returned in Brawl (while some did not return). The exact meaning can vary for different people. Some people believe that any character with clone-like traits that has any variation in attacks are semi-clones, while others think that certain characters need more unique attacks to be a semi-clone.

Clones in SSB

  • Mario & Luigi
    • Luigi has a different dash attack, jumps higher, Down special Launches the foes instead of sucking them in, a different down tilt, and his Super Jump Punch's beginning is a strong move (though visually identical), and his fireballs are not affected by gravity.



Captain Falcon's moveset is based on Samus', but the two have differing special moves along with others. They share a down smash, neutral aerial, floor recovery, and ledge attack. Ness shares a prat-fall recovery and ledge attack with Mario and Luigi, and all three share a polygon. However, Ness' other moves and special attacks differ from Mario's and Luigi's. Jigglypuff shares many attacks with Kirby, including floor recovery, neutral aerial, forward smash, and down aerial attacks. The two can also puff up and jump five times, but Jigglypuff's special attacks among others are different than Kirby's.

Clones in SSBM

In each pair, the former is the "original", while the latter is the clone. Direct clones are usually identified in Melee by having a slightly recessed character selection box next to the original character's.

  • Mario & Dr. Mario
    • All attacks are similar, but have "Doctor" variants. Dr. Mario's forward smash has electrical properties. Dr.Mario's fair is not a weak meteor smash like Mario's, but is a very powerful aerial attack with vertical knockback. Interestingly, none of Dr. Mario's moves make the "smacking" sound that some of Mario's moves have.
  • Fox & Falco
    • Almost all attacks are similar, although their special moves have slightly different properties and Falco's dair is a single hit spike. Other differences include Falco having a much stronger forward smash and down tilt while Fox has a much stronger up smash and uair. Falco is also heavier with a higher jumping height and slower dashing speed than Fox.
  • Pikachu & Pichu
    • They both have a few unique animations in walking/running and one unique attack for their up smash. Pichu hurts itself when using electric attacks and has a down smash with no electrical properties.
  • Captain Falcon & Ganondorf
    • Different fair, some different effects, Ganondorf's attacks are stronger, d-smash functions differently (the first hit is necessary for the second hit to land, granted the opponent is in front of Ganondorf), Ganondorf doesn't have an A Combo, instead his regular A move is stronger, and his attacks use darkness instead of fire. Also only pair of "original and clone" to originate from different universes.
  • Link & Young Link
    • All attacks are similar, except for Young Link's standard special move, where he shoots flaming arrows. Also, when Young Link attacks, his sword does not make a "slashing" sound, but it instead makes a "slapping" sound. However, his up-throw involves his sword, and it makes a slashing sound only then.
  • Marth & Roy
    • All attacks are similar, with the exception of Roy's Up Special Move and Roy's sweespotted up-smash, which spikes. Also, while Marth's are most powerful at the tip of his blade, Roy's are stronger the closer the foe is to the center of his blade. The "sourspot" of Roy's sword attacks make a "slapping" sound instead of a "slashing" sound. They are also the only pair of "original and clone" to both be hidden characters.



  • Mario & Luigi
    • The former clones have been differentiated with separate normal movesets and side specials.

Notable changes to Luigi between SSB and Melee:

  • Luigi has a different side special than Mario.
  • Different forward and, to a lesser extent, down aerial attacks.
  • Different forward Smash Attack.
  • Different Up Tilt.
  • Different neutral combo.
  • Different dash attack.


In the transition from Super Smash Bros. to Melee, characters like Jigglypuff and Captain Falcon have been Luigified and are equipped with new attacks. In Jigglypuff's case, it has kept some of its moves from SSB, while Kirby has received new ones.

Clones in SSBB

Clones are absent in Brawl, as most characters have been Luigified.

Semi-clones/Luigified Characters

Most of the semi-clones have some of the same standard animations as the original.

  • Fox & Falco
    • Reflector works differently, but all other special moves are cloned. Non-cloned moves include neutral combo (in addition to a different animation, Fox's will repeat the first punch as long as the button is held and Falco will not), up tilt, neutral air, forward air, back air and forward smash. Falco's back aerial is a sex kick. Also, they share a similar Final Smash (Falco's Landmaster hovers higher with superior air mobility while Fox's Landmaster has stronger blasts). While their up aerials are similar in animation, Falco's is on a slightly different axis.
  • Captain Falcon & Ganondorf
    • A completely different Final Smash and some different standard attacks (neutral, all tilts, up smash and forward air), but some normal moves are still similar. And most notably, they both share 3 special moves (the main cosmetic difference is that Captain Falcon has fire effects in his specials and Ganondorf's specials feature darkness or electricity). Raptor Boost and Flame Choke are initially similar, but the difference is that Raptor Boost launches the opponents, while Flame Choke grabs them.
  • Ness & Lucas
    • Share 3 special attacks that have a few minor differences. (Ness has PK Flash & Lucas has PK Freeze). However, PK Freeze & PK Flash still work a little similarly, despite moving and looking differently with completely different hitboxes. Their Final Smashes also have similar animations and the same name (Ness' produces vertical knockback while Lucas' produces horizontal knockback). A few of their standard attacks have similar animations, such as forward smash, up aerial, and down tilt.
  • Link & Toon Link*
    • Most of their attacks are similar in animation. The only attacks with different animations are their up smash, neutral aerial, forward aerial, back aerial, forward throw, and back throw. Also, Toon Link's down aerial is a Stall-then-fall-aerial and a meteor smash, but still shares the same animation, along with both their Spin Attacks and forward smashes. Like Young Link, Toon Link's sword attacks (which are all of his moves excluding down, forward, and backward throws) do not make a "slashing" sound, but a "slapping" sound (exceptions being down- and up-aerial attacks and his up-throw). Many believe that they are clones, but others believe they should be considered Semi clones.
  • Mario & Luigi*
    • The differing moves are neutral combo, dash attack, up tilt, down tilt, forward smash, forward air and down air. Two of their specials are different (while their Super Jump Punches have unique properties, they still have similar animations), as well as Final Smashes. Now that they barely share any moves, many smashers don't even consider them to be semi-clones at this point.
  • Fox & Wolf*
    • The only moves that are similar are their Final Smashes and Down Special moves. Side and Up specials are somewhat similar in function, but are still very different in damage, hitboxes, etc. Blasters are also very different, as Wolf's has KO potential. Almost all of Wolf's standard attacks are different from Fox's. Many people do not even consider them to be semiclones.
*: There has been much debate over whether or not these pairs of characters are semi-clones.



  • Young Link & Toon Link
    • They have some similar attacks along with their Spin Attacks being similar in both appearance and function.