Forum:Ultimate's online experience

Revision as of 22:53, April 20, 2020 by Derekblue1 (talk | contribs) (Added regular discussion.)
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I was considering a friendly discussion on user's thoughts about their experience on Ultimate's online. What are your thoughts of the online service?

As a Peach and Daisy main, I go online to play fun matches with anonymous players. However, I find online frustrating due to the lag interrupting my neutral game, jump cancel fast falling tech and combos. As a result, I win 40% online matches. When I lose online matches, I admit that I lost and blame lag. Also, I do not blame myself for losing as Peach and Daisy, because they are tricky characters; I compliment myself for playing high-rewarding characters. Online makes me think Peach is low-tier as I want her to be buffed. Losing online reminds me of Samsora; he is my favorite smasher by the way. I go online and play Rosalina & Luma instead. I wonder if other Peach players feel the same way as I do. Also, I am slightly happy that you cannot taunt in Quickplay; I personally find taunting more triggering than teabagging. I wish the game could give an option to hide your Global Smash Power, it is not good for my mindset, but I think the game wants players to be competitive. I think the developers must fix the buffer system then the online service, the smoother can improve our gameplay. Derekblue1SigHead1.png Derekblue1 (talk) Derekblue1SigHead2.png 22:53, April 20, 2020 (EDT)