Mega Tourney! (みんなでっかい! 巨大化トーナメント, Everyone is huge! Big transformation tournament), known as Gigantourney in PAL regions, is an Event Tourney that ran from 6 a.m. on December 20, 2019 to 6 a.m. on December 23, 2019 (UTC). During the event, the size was set to Mega for giant battles.
North America
- This time-limited tourney features Mega Smash battles where everyone is huge! Try it on for size!
- The further you advance, the better the spirit you'll win![1]
PAL regions
- This time-limited tourney features Mega Smash battles where everyone is huge! It's a whole new level of dynamic!
- The further you advance, the better the spirit you'll win![2]
- Format: Smash
- Rules: Time
- Time Limit: 2:30
- FS Meter: Off
- Items: Medium
- Spirits: On
- Size: Mega