In response to the edit war

Firstly, yes, I'm fully admitting to taking part in an edit war.

Secondly, and more to the point, this whole thing could be fixed by removing the table and changing:

A character's Fighter Spirit is unlocked either when the player completes Classic Mode as that character, or they unlock it in the Vault shop for 300G. When the player views the Fighter Spirit in the Collection, the default artwork will be artwork from their home series, but the player can switch it with their artwork from Ultimate instead. Characters that have other characters as alternate costumes (such as gender swaps, the Koopalings, Alph, and the Dragon Quest III, IV, and VIII Heroes) or significant alternate costumes (such as Mario's Building and Wedding Outfits or Pikachu Libre) have separate Fighter Spirits from the base fighter than can only be unlocked in the Vault Shop. There are also a few Fighter Spirits that are unlocked by completing certain challenges.


A character's Fighter Spirit is unlocked either when the player completes Classic Mode as that character, or they unlock it in the Vault shop for 300G. When the player views the Fighter Spirit in the Collection, the default artwork will be artwork from their home series, but the player can switch it with their artwork from Ultimate instead. Characters that have other characters as alternate costumes (such as gender swaps, the Koopalings, Alph, and the Dragon Quest III, IV, and VIII Heroes) or significant alternate costumes (such as Mario's Building and Wedding Outfits or Pikachu Libre) have separate Fighter Spirits from the base fighter than can only be unlocked in the Vault Shop. The Mario (Wedding), Meta Ridley, Ike (Path of Radiance), and Cloud (Advent Children) Spirits can also be unlocked via challenges, and the Mario (Wedding) Spirit can also be unlocked via the Wedding Mario amiibo.

Why bother listing everything that isn't true when we can list everything that is true? This wording also doesn't imply that this will forever be the only list of discrepancies, and can be changed as necessary. Should there be a ton more discrepancies, then we can add the table back. Aidan, the Rurouni 18:36, March 10, 2020 (EDT)

I'm of the opinion that the columns are pointless. Because there are only 4 that can be unlocked via challenges, and wedding Mario is the only one unlockable via amiibo, everything the columns mention about the few spirits that are unlocked differently can easily be written at the top of the page, and then we can remove the extra byte added by columns and reduce loading times.   OmegαToαd the Toαd Wαrrior (BUP) 18:45, March 10, 2020 (EDT)
EDIT: SK mentioned to keep the first 2 columns because it isn't exactly clear which pallet swaps are supposed to be alt characters, so I think that's a better idea than removing them entirely. It's mostly the last 2 columns that have information that can easily be explained at the top of the page.
Agreed. If my numbers are correct, then only 29 out of about 110 Fighter Spirits aren't obtainable in Classic Mode (22/110 not counting all of the Koopalings). Would be much easier to make a list with the exceptions. And if Fighter's Pass #2 is the last, then we'll get maybe 12 or at most 20 more depending on the characters, which wouldn't be enough to sway it in my opinion.--CanvasK (talk) 18:56, March 10, 2020 (EDT)

I am for removing the last 2 columns, but against removing the entire table. It isn't clear which character alt costumes are supposed to be alt characters, as the paragraph describes (the only ones I am seeing missing at a quick glance is wireframe little mac and reverse Ice Climbers). Also I think having all of the images in one place is good. SerpentKing 19:02, March 10, 2020 (EDT)

I am also not advocating for removing the whole table, just the last three columns. Aidan, the Rurouni 19:43, March 10, 2020 (EDT)
...Actually that is a good idea to keep the first 2 columns. With wireframe Mac being such a signifficant change one would expect it to be one of those pallet swap characters obtainable in the shops. Adding to this PoR Ike is the only fighter spirit that cannot be purchased from the shop according to the list and RD Ike is exclusive to the shop, whereas biker Wario and regular Wario can be obtainable both ways, so I don't think the 2nd column should be removed as Aidan suggested.   OmegαToαd the Toαd Wαrrior (BUP) 22:15, March 10, 2020 (EDT)