Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Sword of the Creator

Revision as of 13:38, January 29, 2020 by Xamad (talk | contribs) (→‎Origin: SotC works differently from other Relics in-gme)
Sword of the Creator
User Byleth
Universe Fire Emblem
Article on Fire Emblem Wiki Sword of the Creator
Stretch the sword outward, jumping upward if it hits an opponent. You can use this attack to recover or dangle if you hit an edge.
—Description from Ultimate's Move List
This article is about the special move. For the sword itself, see the list of swords.

Sword of the Creator (魔剣 天帝の剣, Demon Sword, Sword of God) is Byleth's up special move in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


When the move is used, Byleth extends the Sword of the Creator in its whip form, reaching up above him. Should he grab an opponent, he will pull himself up to them, and leap off of them, meteor smashing them at certain percentages. Should he grab a ledge, the sword will act as a tether recovery. Should he latch onto a wall, he will pull himself to the wall with the sword, and jump off.


Alongside Areadbhar and Failnaught, the Sword of the Creator is one of the twelve Heroes' Relics in Three Houses, regalia weapons forged from the bones of the Nabateans by "those who slither in the dark". In this case, the Sword of the Creator was forged from the remains of Sothis. It was originally owned by Nemesis, the King of Liberation, who fought against Seiros and was killed in the encounter. The sword was eventually taken back by Seiros and sealed away. One millennium later, Byleth was assigned to fend off an army led by the Western Church, who raided Seiros' tomb. They managed to unseal the Sword of the Creator from its hiding place and Byleth was able to utilize its full power upon picking it up. After the battle, Rhea decided to entrust the sword to Byleth, which they keep for the remainder of the game. In a confrontation with "those who slither in the dark", Byleth got trapped in a dark void by Solon, and Sothis merged with Byleth to unlock the full power of the sword and free themselves.

The Sword of the Creator is a weapon that lets the user attack from 1-2 range. While the Sword of the Creator is in Byleth's possession, it grants them the Ruptured Heaven combat art, which adds some of the user's Magic to their damage output and is effective against dragon units. It can be wielded by other units as well, but they will not have access to Ruptured Heaven, and the sword itself will become much heavier and lose its ranged capbilities when used by anyone other than Byleth.

This move’s properties resemble the Grounder combat art, a sword attack that deals extra damage to flying units.