NorCal Power Rankings

Revision as of 16:20, December 1, 2006 by MaskedMarth (talk | contribs) (i didn't linkify everybody, only those i'd heard of before)

The NCPR (or NorCal Power Rankings) is a list designating the top twenty-five Smashers in North Calfiornia.

The panel which decides the list is currently (as of 12/1/06) made up of LunInSpectra, HyugaRicdeau, The King, Scamp, ShadowBTZO, Simna ibn Sind, and Zoap.

The current NCPR list (created 11/08/06, current as of 12/01/06) is as follows:

A dash (-) before a name indicates no change since the last update (9/26). An (N) indicates the player was not previously on the rankings, and finally a number in parentheses indicates the previous ranking of the player.

-1. Isai (175 pts.)
-2. King
-3. SilentSpectre
4. LunInSpectra (6)
5. The GERM (4)
N 6. Zelgadis
-7. Foxroar
8. Bob$ (5)
9. Tang (8)
-10. Hyuga
11. Hella (13)
-12. Full Metal Falcomist
13. Shadow BTZO (11)
-14. Frotaz
15. Geo (18)
16. Simna (17)
N 17. Mikkuz
18. Nekurbis (16)
19. Kizzo (15)
-20. KFC
-21. Zoap
N 22. Scamp
23. SideFX (24)
N 24. Meep
25. Bernard (23) (15 pts.)

Snap and Kawn were removed off of the list by request.

Players who almost made the list but missed:

Kev$ (8 pts.)
Dark Mike (5 pts.)
Mexican (2 pts.)
NintendoKing (1 pt.)

External Links

The NCPR thread on SWF Please note that if the information at this location does not match the information above, you may need to refresh the page.