File:Earthbound Icon.gif
Universe EarthBound
Appears in SSBM
Availability Starter (SSBM and SSBB)
Tournament legality
Melee Singles: Varies
Doubles: Varies
Brawl Singles: Counter-pick/Banned
Doubles: Counter-pick/Banned

Announced at E3 2001, Onett is the home of Ness, a stage centralized around the EarthBound world. It consists of two buildings on the far right and left, and a series of unstable awnings in the center. The awnings in the center of the stage will eventually give way, if enough players jump onto it. The awnings will be reset after a short period of time. On occasion, an exclamation point (in both Brawl and Melee) will appear onscreen, signifying that a car or van will pass by the bottom of the stage. These can hit the player(s) or opponent(s), so they should be avoided or guarded against. Characters can only be KO'd off either side of the stage or the top of the stage, as there are no drop-off points on this stage.

In All-Star mode, this stage is played on when you face Ness and any of his teammates.


The main hazards of this stage are the different colored vehicles that speed by the road at the bottom of the arena.

  • Taxi Cab (Yellow car) and Teal Coupe - These cars both do the exact same amount of damage and knockback. The coupe is most likely to spin out whenever it hits an opponent, and the larger the opponent, the more likely.
  • Magenta Coupe - This car deals reverse knockback, meaning that it sends the victim flying behind it. Very much like Dr. Mario's D-tilt, yet much more powerful.
  • Runaway Five's Truck - This car spikes any character it hits. Being that it's on the ground, the opponent can only be sent downward if in the middle of a short hop, otherwise the victim is sent upward. Also, this is the vehicle driven by the criminals on the warning poster.

Changes from Melee to Brawl

Eagleland: Onett returns in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as EarthBound: Onett. One change in the stage is that the right edge of the left building's roof can no longer be grabbed. Another slight change to this stage is that in the background, the red cross on the building of the Hospital has been removed. Its likely been removed due to censorship, as it was in the SNES EarthBound game. However, it could be a reference to its removal in the game. Also, there are slight lips on the both sides of the house on the right. This prevents characters against these walls from jumping to avoid cars. However, the cars in this version of Onett are far weaker and have potentially 0 KO ability, although hitstun is lethal and can interrupt most attacks.


  • If the player stands just to the right of the blue house and pauses, zoom out to see the "Onett Message Board" to the right. It reads "Caution, A black van driven by this guy (seen in the picture right of the message) has been spotted driving recklessly through town. Be careful!".
  • Said black van belongs to a musical group in Onett named the Runaway Five. Two of the members appear in the opening sequence for Melee as well, nearly getting run over by Ness.
  • In Melee, when the language is set to "English", the black van will read: "RUNAWAY" which comes from the band named the Runaway Five in EarthBound. When the language is set to "Japanese", the van will read: "TONZURA", which comes from the band's name in the Japanese version of EarthBound (Mother 2), the Tonzura Bros.
  • The meteorite, Lier X, Agerate's, Ness's house, the Minch house, and the hospital from EarthBound can all be seen in the background. However, the stage's geography differs drastically from that from the original game, as the Drug Store should have a burger joint next to it and be at the north end of the town, whereas the Drug Store in Melee incorrectly appears at the south end and the Hospital is at the north instead of the south. There is not a straight road going through town in EarthBound nor tunnels leading out of the town; and the cave holes in the mountains are placed incorrectly, but the general motif remains.
  • The license plates of the vehicles read: "ONETT".
  • The actual music of Onett from EarthBound does not appear in this stage. The music instead comes from the original Mother.
  • Bizarrely enough, though the cars are on the street, the fighters on the sidewalk can be hit by them.
  • The only the part of the cars that are NOT in 3D are the wheels which are in 2D.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there is a glitch involving the soccer ball item. If the ball is hit and lands on one of the bushes suspended in the air above the left house, it will bounce continuously, causing the bush to bounce, until a player or another item steps onto it.
  • In Brawl, the Pokémon Trainer stands on the roof of the drug store.
