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Team Ben debuted at Live Or Die in the fall of 2003. Caught unprepared, their former manager Kenny Johnson spurted out that they were called "Team Ben," after the memory of a departed friend who played the game with them. Present at that tournament was Kenny, Wife, and Oro, all childhood friends. In 2005, Wife and Oro began playing seriously along with long-time friend Husband. The trio began their rise to the top by travelling to various tournaments around the country. At the time, Team Ben stood out because of the frequency and distance that they travelled (something that was not as commen then as it is now).

In 2006 the trio added Maryland great Neo to the roster, and eventually Chillindude829. At the 2006 season premier of Major League Gaming, the team was together and fiercly competitive. Backed by a sponsorship deal with White Castle, this was probably the prime of Team Ben's career, celebrated in this article done by MLG: