Fox reflecting a thrown Capsule in Brawl.
This article is about the attack property. For other uses, see Reflector (disambiguation).

A reflection is the process of deflecting incoming projectiles. The projectile then becomes property of the reflector's user and is often redirected to hit the original attacker, though some moves such as Thunder are not redirected when reflected. Most reflectors increase the damage done by projectiles, while some also increase their speed. Projectiles can be reflected from any direction.

It is possible for a single projectile to be reflected multiple times, such as back and forth between two characters' reflectors. However, this cannot be kept going indefinitely, as all reflectors cannot withstand a projectile that becomes too powerful: a very strong projectile just passes through most reflectors, while actually physically shattering others (such as Guardian Orbitars and Reflect Barrier).

Moves with reflecting abilities


Reflection moves only available as custom moves are in italics.

User Move Damage multiplier Speed multiplier Max damage reflectable
Dark Pit Electroshock Arm** 1 1 50
Electrocut Arm** 1 1 50
Quickshock Arm** 1.3 1 50
Guardian Orbitars 1.5 1.7 50
Amplifying Orbitars 2 2 50
Dr. Mario Super Sheet 1.5 1 50
Breezy Sheet 1.5 1 50
Falco Reflector 1.5    1    50
1.2    1.3    50
Accele-Reflector 1 2.1 50
Fox Reflector 1.5    1    50
1.4    1.4    50
Big Reflector 1.2 1 50
Amplifying Reflector 2.1 1.8 50
Joker Makarakarn**** 1.6 1.9 50
King Dedede Inhale   1.5 1.6
King K. Rool Gut Check 1.5 2 50
Lucas Forward smash 1.5 1.5 50
Mario Cape 1.5 1 50
Gust Cape 1.5 1 50
Mega Man Skull Barrier 1.2 1.2 25
Mewtwo Confusion* 1.4 1.2 50
Mii Gunner Echo Reflector 1.4   1.1   50
1.5   1.9   50
Mii Swordfighter Reversal Slash 1.5   1   50
1.8   1.5   50
Mr. Game & Watch Oil Panic***   1 0.8 50
Ness Forward smash 1.5     1   50  
1.5   80    
2    2.5   
Palutena Reflect Barrier 1.17   1.25 50
1.4   50
Pit Angel Ring 1.5 1 50
Mirror Shield 1.5 1.7 50
Upperdash Arm** 1 1 50
Interception Arm** 1 1 50
Quickdash Arm** 1.3 1 50
Guardian Orbitars 1.5 1.7 50
Amplifying Orbitars 2 2 50
R.O.B. Arm Rotor 1.5 1   50
1.3    50
Reflector Arm 1.8 1.5 50
Backward Arm Rotor 1.5 1.3 50
Wolf Reflector 1.3   1.8 50
1.5   50
Zelda Nayru's Love 1.5   1   50
1.2   1.2   50
1.25    1.4    50
Nayru's Rejection 1.25 1.2 50
Franklin Badge 1.3 1.3
Gray Fox 1.0 1.0 100
Gardevoir 2.2 1.3 100
Home-Run Bat    2.0 ? ?

* Confusion in Melee simply reverses projectiles without changing their owner.

** Upperdash Arm and Electroshock Arm does not change the onwership of certain projectiles reflected.

*** In Ultimate, Oil Panic only reflects physical projectiles while absorbing energy based projectiles.

**** Only available when Arsene is active.

In SSB64 and Melee, if a projectile is too strong for a reflector, the reflector breaks (as if it was a shield) and stuns its user. In Brawl and SSB4, the overpowered projectile simply ignores the reflector and hits its user anyway. In the case of Ness's or Lucas's forward smash, should the overpowered projectile collide with the move's hitbox without striking the user, he will undergo a proportionally-substantial amount of lag due to being outprioritized.

Reflectors are generally very useful moves that can be vital, as they help prevent projectile camping and spamming. As such, characters with reliable reflectors tend to have better matchups against characters that rely upon projectiles, such as Samus, than those who lack a reliable reflector.

In addition to the above, Villager and Isabelle are able to grab projectiles and items and store them for later use via Pocket. While not strictly a reflector, retrieved projectiles gain a 1.9x damage multiplier generally associated with reflectors.

List of reflectable attacks

User/Item Move Part of Move Games
By Characters
Bayonetta Bullet Climax Entire move


Bowser (Giga Bowser) Fire Breath Entire move


Bowser Jr. Clown Cannon Entire move


Mechakoopa Walking; Thrown


Charizard Flamethrower Entire move


Rock Smash Fragments


Cloud Blade Beam Entire move


Corrin Dragon Fang Shot Water Projectile


Dark Pit Silver Bow Entire move


Diddy Kong Peanut Popgun Entire move


Rocketbarrel Boost Loose barrels


Banana Peel Entire move; Thrown


Dr. Mario Megavitamin Entire move


Duck Hunt Trick Shot Can


Clay Pigeon Clay pigeon


Wild Gunman Shot


Falco Blaster Entire move


Reflector Entire move


Fox Blaster Entire move


Greninja Water Shuriken Entire move


Hydro Pump Entire move


Ice Climbers Ice Shot Entire move


Blizzard Entire move


Ivysaur Bullet Seed Entire move


Razor Leaf Entire move


King Dedede Waddle Dee Toss Thrown


Waddle Doo's beam attack


Gordo Throw Entire move


Super Dedede Jump Stars


Kirby Copy Ability Some neutral special moves


Final Cutter Wave


Link Hero's Bow Entire move


Boomerang Entire move


Gale Boomerang Entire move


Bomb Thrown


Lucario Aura Sphere Entire move


Force Palm Damaging portion


Lucas PK Freeze Entire move


PK Fire Entire move


PK Thunder Lightning ball


Luigi Fireball Entire move


Mario Fireball Entire move


F.L.U.D.D. Entire move


Mega Man Neutral attack Entire move


Forward tilt Entire move


Neutral aerial Entire move


Up aerial Entire move


Down aerial Entire move


Forward smash Entire move


Metal Blade Entire move


Crash Bomber Entire move


Leaf Shield When thrown


Mewtwo Shadow Ball Entire move


Disable Entire move


Forward throw Shots


Mii Brawler Shot Put Entire move


Mii Gunner Charge Blast Entire move


Laser Blaze Entire move


Grenade Launch Entire move


Flame Pillar Entire move


Stealth Burst Blast


Gunner Missile Entire move


Lunar Launch Blast  


Bomb Drop Entire move


Mii Swordfighter Gale Strike Entire move


Shuriken of Light Entire move


Chakram Entire move


Mr. Game & Watch Chef Entire move


Ness PK Flash Entire move


PK Fire Entire move


PK Thunder Lightning ball


Olimar Pikmin Throw Entire move


Forward smash Entire move


Pac-Man Bonus Fruit Entire move


Fire Hydrant Falling; Water


Palutena Autoreticle Shots


Peach Toad Entire move


Vegetable Thrown


Pichu Thunder Jolt Entire move


Thunder Bolt


Pikachu Thunder Jolt Entire move


Thunder Bolt


Pit Palutena's Bow Entire move


R.O.B. Robo Beam Entire move


Gyro Entire move; Thrown


Robin Thunder Entire move


Arcfire Entire move


Elwind Entire move


Rosalina Luma Shot Entire move


Ryu Hadoken Entire move


Samus Charge Shot Entire move


Missile Entire move


Bomb Entire move


Sheik Needle Storm Entire move


Snake Hand Grenade Thrown


Remote Missile Entire move


Cypher Flying off


Up smash Shell


Taunt Box


Squirtle Water Gun Entire move


Toon Link Hero's Bow Entire move


Boomerang Entire move


Bomb Thrown


Villager Lloid Rocket Entire move


Timber Water; Chopped tree


Forward smash Entire move


Forward air Entire move


Back air Entire move


Wario Wario Bike Thrown




Wii Fit Trainer Sun Salutation Entire move


Header Soccer Ball


Wolf Blaster Shot


Yoshi Egg Throw Entire move


Yoshi Bomb Stars


Young Link Fire Bow Entire move


Boomerang Entire move


Bomb Thrown


Zelda Din's Fire Blast


Phantom Slash Initial Summon


Zero Suit Samus Paralyzer Entire move


Power Suit Pieces When thrown


By Items
All Thrown Items


Blast Box Explosion


Bob-omb Walking


Bombchu Collision


Bullet Bill Collision


Bumper When Set


Cracker Launcher Shots


Drill Collision


Fire Flower Flames


Green Shell Collision


Red Shell Collision


Hocotate Bomb Collision


Hothead Collision


Killer Eye Beam


Lip's Stick Spores


Ore Club Collision


Ray Gun Shots


Rolling Crate Rolling


Soccer Ball Launch


Star Rod Stars


Steel Diver Shots


Super Scope Shots


Superspicy Curry Flames


Unira When Set


By Pokémon
Blastoise Hydro Pump Water Jets


Bonsly Tackle Thrown


Charizard Flamethrower Flames


Chespin Seed Bomb Seeds


Chikorita Razor Leaf Leaves


Clefairy Metronome Some copied attacks


Cyndaquil Flamethrower Flames


Darkrai Dark Void Dark Void Balls


Fennekin Incinerate Flames


Genesect Techno Blast Beam


Kyogre Hydro Pump Water Jets


Marill Tackle Collision


Meloetta Echoed Voice Music Notes


Meowth Pay Day Coins


Oshawott Surf Collision


Piplup Surf Collision


Snivy Razor Leaf Leaves


Starmie Swift Stars


Staryu Swift Stars


Zoroark Fury Swipes Claw swipes


By Assist Trophies
Color TV-Game 15 Pong Ball


Dark Samus Shots


Elec Man Thunder Beams


Excitebikes Collision


Hammer Bros. Hammers


Infantry and Tanks Shots


Jeff Rockets


Knuckle Joe Smash Punch


Phosphora Electric Attacks


Ray MK III Lasers


Saki Amamiya Shots


Sheriff Shots


Takamaru Thrown Knives


By Stage Hazards
Corneria Shots fired from Arwings, Wolfens, and the Great Fox


Green Greens Apples


Mario Bros. Shellcreepers and Sidesteppers


Sector Z Shots fired from Arwings


Venom Shots fired from Arwings and Wolfens


Wily Castle Yellow Devil's energy blasts


By Enemies and Bosses
Armank Energy Shot


Autolance Launched lance


Bombed Thrown Head


Boom Primid Thrown Boomerang


Bullet Bill Collision


Crazy Hand Bombs


Duon Scattershot


Fire Primid Fireball


Gamyga Lasers


Hammer Bro. Hammers


Master Edges Sword projectiles


Master Hand Finger bullets


Fireball Blitz


Meta Ridley Small fireballs


Medium fireballs


Poppant Tossed gifts


Puppit Lasers


Rayquaza Energy ball


R.O.B. Blaster Lasers


R.O.B. Launcher Missiles


Roturret Bullets


Scope Primid Shots


Spaak Electric ball


Lightning bolt



  • Not counting Melee's powershield, since Zelda's Nayru's Love is the only neutral special reflection move, it is the only reflection move that Kirby can copy or use.
  • Pit is the only character to have different reflectors between games.