Guided Robo Beam
User R.O.B.
Universe R.O.B.

Guided Robo Beam (誘導ロボビーム, Guided Robo Beam) is R.O.B.'s Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


When activated, R.O.B. transforms into a laser cannon and fires a series of small lasers that home in on opponents that are close enough to him. He will then unleash a green laser that can have its angle controlled. That laser eventually becomes massive (about the size of Samus' Zero Laser) for about a second to do a large amount of damage.


  • This is the first of R.O.B's Final Smashes not to have the name "Diffusion" in it.
  • If Guided Robo Beam is used on 14 Ice Climbers, the beam will glitch out and become invisible.