List of spirits (Donkey Kong series)

The following is the list of the Spirits from the Donkey Kong series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Primary Spirits

Spirit Statistics
No. Image Name Type Class Slots Stats Ability Origin Game Acquisition
137 Donkey Kong & Lady Grab ★★★★ 3 Power: —10,119
Throw Power ↑ Donkey Kong •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
138 Donkey Kong Jr. Grab ★★★ 1 Power: 2,696—
Throw Power ↑ Donkey Kong Jr.
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Jr. Math)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
139 Stanley Shield ★★ 2 Power: —
No Effect Donkey Kong 3 •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
140 Cranky Kong Attack ★★★ 3 Power: 2,918—
Speed ↓ Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country Returns)
•Summonable via cores : Cyrus & Reese and Wrinkly Kong
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
145 Dixie Kong Grab ★★★ 3 Power: 2,526—
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)
•Summonable via cores : Tiny Kong and Candy Kong
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
146 Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong Grab ★★★★ 3 Power: 4,465—11,167
Thrown Items ↑ Dixie Kong: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Kiddy Kong: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!)
•Enhanced form of the Dixie Kong spirit
147 Lanky Kong Grab ★★ 3 Power: 1,505—
No Effect Donkey Kong 64 •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
149 Chunky Kong Attack ★★ 2 Power: —
No Effect Donkey Kong 64 •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
150 Rambi Attack ★★★ 1 Power: 2,662—
Speed ↑ Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country Returns)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
151 Enguarde Attack ★★ 1 Power: 2,018—
Electric Weakness Donkey Kong Country •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
159 Kritter Grab 1 Power: 956—
No Effect Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Barrel Blast)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
160 Zinger Shield 0 Power: 1,208—
No Effect Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: DK: Jungle Climber)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
161 Klaptrap Attack ★★ 0 Power: —
Weight ↓ Donkey Kong Country •Complete Challenge (Classic Mode): As King K. Rool, reach the goal in Bonus Stage within 45 seconds.
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle (once the challenge completed)
162 Kaptain K. Rool Attack ★★★★ 2 Power: 4,232—10,583
No Effect Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
163 Baron K. Roolenstein Shield ★★★ 3 Power: 2,933—
No Effect Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! •Summonable via cores from Dr. Crygor, Kritter, and The Creature & Flea Man
165   Tiki Tak Tribe Neutral 3 Power: 952—4,952
Fire Weakness Donkey Kong Country Returns •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
166 Lord Fredrik Grab 1 Power: 905—
Weight ↑ Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
167 Kip Shield 1 Power: 858—
Jump ↑ Donkey Kong Barrel Blast •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
170 Karate Kong Attack ★★★ 1 Power: —
Fist Attack ↑ Donkey Kong Jungle Beat •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
171 Ninja Kong Shield 1 Power: 1,052—
No Effect Donkey Kong Jungle Beat •Obtainable after a Spirit battle

Support Spirits

Spirit Statistics
No. Image Name Class Cost Ability Origin Game Acquisition
142 Candy Kong ★★ 1 Critical-Health Stats ↑ Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: DK: Jungle Climber)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
143 Swanky Kong 1 Banana Gun Equipped Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
144 Wrinkly Kong ★★ 1 Trade-Off Defense ↑ Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
(Artwork: DK: Jungle Climber)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
148 Tiny Kong ★★★ 1 Easier Dodging Donkey Kong 64 •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
152 Squawks the Parrot ★★ 2 Fog Immunity Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country Returns)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle
153 Expresso the Ostrich 1 Trade-Off Speed ↑ Donkey Kong Country •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
154 Winky the Frog 1 Foot Attack ↑ Donkey Kong Country •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
155 Squitter ★★ 2 Sticky-Floor Immunity Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
156 Rattly the Rattlesnake ★★ 1 Jump ↑ Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
157 Ellie 1 Water & Ice Attack ↑ Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
158 Professor Chops 1 Stamina ↑ Donkey Kong Country Returns •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
164 Blast-o-Matic ★★★★ 1 Giant Killer Donkey Kong 64
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Purchasable from Sheldon's Place
168 Kalypso 1 Rocket Belt Equipped Donkey Kong Barrel Blast •Obtainable after a Spirit battle
169 Donkey Kong & Bongos ★★ 1 Perfect-Shield Reflect Donkey Konga •Purchasable from Timmy and Tommy's

Master Spirits

No. Image Name Facility Origin Game Acquisition
141 Funky Kong Shopping (Funky Kong's Shack) Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)
•Obtainable after a Spirit battle (World of Light only)

Fighter Spirits

No. Image Name Origin Game Acquisition
134 Donkey Kong Donkey Kong
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)
•Complete Classic Mode with Donkey Kong
135 Diddy Kong Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)
•Complete Classic Mode with Diddy Kong
136 King K. Rool Donkey Kong Country
(Artwork: DK: Jungle Climber)
•Complete Classic Mode with King K. Rool

Spirits battles

Spirit Battle parameters
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions
137 Donkey Kong & Lady •Giant Donkey Kong
•Ally Peach
Grab 13,500 75m •Item Tidal Wave •You lose if your CPU ally is KO'd
•The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
•Timed Stamina battle
138 Donkey Kong Jr. •Tiny Donkey Kong
•Giant Donkey Kong (reinforcement)
Grab 9,000 Kongo Jungle N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy's throws have increased power
•Reinforcements will appear during the battle
139 Stanley Villager Shield 3,700 75m N/A •The enemy starts the battle with a Gust Bellows
140 Cranky Kong Donkey Kong Attack 9,700 Jungle Japes •Hazard: Slumber Floor •The floor is sleep-inducing
141 Funky Kong Captain Falcon
Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong
Neutral 9,000 Kongo Jungle •Item: Bullet Bill •The enemy is easily distracted by items
142 Candy Kong Bayonetta Shield 3,800 Kongo Falls •Item: Bananas •The enemy starts the battle with a Banana Gun
•The enemy has increased move speed
143 Swanky Kong Donkey Kong Attack 1,700 Kongo Jungle •Item: Beastball •The enemy is easily distracted by items
144 Wrinkly Kong •Clear Donkey Kong 3,500 Luigi's Mansion •Hazard: High Gravity
•Hazard: Low Gravity
•Your jumping power decreases when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy is less affected by gravity
•The enemy starts with damage but is more powerful
145 Dixie Kong Grab Isabelle
Diddy Kong
9,100 Jungle Japes •Item: Banana Peel •The enemy is easily distracted by items
147 Lanky Kong Diddy Kong Team (x6) Grab 3,900 Kongo Falls •Item: Bananas •The enemy is easily distracted by items
•Defeat an army of fighters
148 Tiny Kong Diddy Kong Grab 9,500 Jungle Japes •Tiny
•Hazard: Low Gravity
•Hazard: Heavy Wind
•Dangerously high winds are in effect
•Timed battle
•Gravity is reduced
149 Chunky Kong Donkey Kong Attack 3,800 Jungle Japes N/A •The enemy's punches and elbow strikes have increased power
150 Rambi Donkey Kong Attack 9,100 Kongo Falls (Ω form) N/A •The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
151 Enguarde Corrin Attack 3,600 Great Bay •Buoyancy Reduced •You can't swim
•The enemy's dash attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors dash attacks
152 Squawks the Parrot Duck Hunt Grab 4,400 Great Cave Offensive •Hazard: Fog •The stage is covered in fog
•Timed battle
153 Expresso the Ostrich Falco Attack 1,800 Green Hill Zone •Hazard: Slippery Stage •The stage's platforms are very slippery
•The enemy has increased move speed
•The enemy falls slowly
154 Winky the Frog Greninja Attack 1,700 Mushroom Kingdom U N/A •The enemy deals damage when falling
•The enemy has increased jump power
155 Squitter Diddy Kong Grab 3,600 Jungle Japes •Move Speed ↓ •You have reduced move speed
156 Rattly the Rattlesnake Yoshi Shield 3,400 Kongo Jungle N/A •The enemy loves to jump
•The enemy has increased jump power
157 Ellie Squirtle (x4) Shield 2,100 Jungle Japes N/A •The enemy favors neutral specials
158 Professor Chops Donkey Kong Grab 1,700 Kongo Falls •Item: Banana Peel •The enemy can instantly escape from movement-disabling moves
159 Kritter King K. Rool Grab 1,700 Kongo Jungle •Defense ↑ •The enemy has increased defense
•The enemy starts the battle with a Rocket Belt
160 Zinger Pikachu Shield 1,800 The Great Cave Offensive (Ω form) •Item: Unira •The enemy's throwing-type items have increased power
161 Klaptrap •Tiny King K. Rool Attack 4,000 Kongo Jungle •Assist Trophy Fight (Klaptrap) •Hostile assist trophies will appear
162 Kaptain K. Rool King K. Rool Attack 13,500 Halberd •Invisibility •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
Stamina battle
•The enemy is invisible after a little while
165   Tiki Tak Tribe Diddy Kong (x4) Neutral 1,700 Kongo Falls N/A •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle
166 Lord Fredrik King K. Rool Grab 2,300 Summit (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Ice Floor •The floor is frozen
167 Kip Yoshi (x4) Shield 1,800 Yoshi's Story N/A The enemy starts the battle with a Rocket Belt
168 Kalypso Wendy Team (x4) Shield 1,800 Kongo Falls N/A •The enemy starts the battle with a Rocket Belt
•The enemy has increased move speed
170 Karate Kong Ryu Attack 9,500 Kongo Falls (Ω form) •Hard to Launch
•Hazard: High Gravity
•The enemy's physical attacks have increased power
•Timed Stamina battle
•All fighters have reduced jump ability
171 Ninja Kong Donkey Kong Shield 1,900 Distant Planet (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
•The enemy favors side specials

Series Order

Number Name Series
134 Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Series
135 Diddy Kong
136 King K. Rool
137 Donkey Kong & Lady
138 Donkey Kong Jr.
139 Stanley
140 Cranky Kong
141 Funky Kong
142 Candy Kong
143 Swanky Kong
144 Wrinkly Kong
145 Dixie Kong
146 Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong
147 Lanky Kong
148 Tiny Kong
149 Chunky Kong
150 Rambi
151 Enguarde
152 Squawks
153 Expresso
154 Winky
155 Squitter
156 Rattly
157 Ellie
158 Professor Chops
159 Kritter
160 Zinger
161 Klaptrap
162 Kaptain K. Rool
163 Baron K. Roolenstein
164 Blast-o-Matic
165 Tiki Tak Tribe
166 Lord Fredrik
167 Kip Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast  
Donkey Kong: Jet Race  
168 Kalypso
169 Donkey Kong & Bongos Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
170 Karate Kong
171 Ninja Kong


  • Due to their appearance as Spirits, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the first appearance of Kiddy Kong and Swanky Kong since the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3, as well as Tiny Kong in her debut design.
  • The Donkey Kong & Bongos' game of origin is listed as "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat", despite the artwork and specific pairing actually coming from the Donkey Konga series.