oddeven2002: I belive that people are misinterpreting the SSB Brawl Trailer, It's not "Under certain cercumstances", it's "How/why she doesn't have her power suit". She will be sort of a Link/Young Link kind of deal. Two different Samus Arans characters in ssbb. One with a powersuit (The SSBM samus), and the other one without. I don't think it's going to be a Zelda/Shiek kind of thing, or anything of the sort.
It's not that people are misinterpreting the trailer. It's that Sakurai himself said the "circumstances" thing.--Ycz12 20:45, September 2, 2006 (GMT)
the Zero Suit in it's blue form wasn't seen until Metroid: Zero Mission. although she runs around in an armorless suit in the first game, i don't really think that's a Zero Suit. what should we put as the debut for ZS Samus? FyreNWater 21:24, August 4, 2007 (EDT)
- Zero Mission. Justin Bailey and the swimsuit pictures are fanservice - the Zero Suit is making her look serious when without the Power Suit. It's like anti-fanservice. Perhaps a note can be added to the effect of "Zero Mission debuted the Zero Suit, but it's a tradition in Metroid games to see Samus without her armor on, usually when the game is completed in a short time." WarxePB 03:55, August 16, 2007 (EDT)
- sounds good to me. i don't know the details of Zero Mission, so someone else will have to fill in that blank. FyreNWater 06:36, August 16, 2007 (EDT)
New catagory
I was thinking, shouldn't characters like Zero Suit Samus and Sheik be catagorized as "Special" or something? They aren't really so much starter or secret characters. I'm only saying that it sounds appropriate, given the circomstances
--ShadowZeroKaras 00:13, October 3, 2007 (EDT)