The Super Wavedash is a move that can only be performed by Samus. If you perform it right you will go a very far distance (about as long as Final Destination), however it is important to release the control stick after you perform the move, otherwise your distance will not be as far.
How to SWD
Super Wavedash, abbreviated as "SWD," is a very complicated maneuver and takes a lot of practice to pull off. In order to do this, drop a bomb, and as you're hitting the ground, immediately hit the opposite direction you want to go on the 41st frame, then hit the direction you want to go on the 42nd frame. This will result in Samus sliding across the level, as if in a wavedash, but she will go much farther.
It is possible, with better timing to do a SWD falling from the air, but a bit harder since you do not have the ground to judge your timing as you may fall though the air from different heights.
It is also possible to cancel the SWD in order to avoid a Self-Destruct. In order to do this, you must SWD, then do any moves listed.
1. Screw Attack (move) 2. Drop Another Bomb
3. Air dodge
4. Wavedash
5. Any Aerial attack
6. Roll
7. Walk
8. Dash
9. Jump
11. Perfect Drop (Short Hop, hold control stick down, and air dodge)
12. Shoot a Missile on the ground or in the air.
13. Any Aerial attack
Jumping, Sidestepping, the Charge Shot and all A button attacks on the ground will only make you keep going.
Crouched Bomb
When crouching and laying a bomb, as opposed to laying a bomb without crouching, Samus will skip the first 2 frames in the bomb animation. This means when performing the SWD, you will hit the opposite direction you want to go on the 39th frame, then hit the direction you want to go on the 40th frame. In actuality, it still is the exact same position as the regular 41st frame and since you skipped the first 2 frames, it can still be argued as being the 41st frame.