User:Smash Master/Userboxes

Smash Master
Dispute Handling 70%    
Smash Skill 90%    
Smash Knowledge 90%    
Spelling/Grammar 90%    
Typing Speed 80%    
Wikipresence 50%    
Wikiskill 90%    
Basic Attributes
Firewall This user is immune to Flame attacks.
I R Seeing You This user uses the IRC.
Icy Head This user cannot use Flame attacks.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Notoriety This user is a significant contributor.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Vigilant Noctivigant This user is often around while the rest of the wiki is asleep.
Other Attributes
Genius This user is super smart.
Kirby This user loves Kirby, knows a lot about him, and is his biggest fan.
Music This user enjoys video game music.
More music This user loves VOCALOID songs (the Japanese VOCALOID songs).
Addicted Player This user's maximum Brawl play time is 14 hours and 57 minutes, and his maximum overall game time is 23 hours and 18 minutes. (crazy isn't it?)
Memorizer This user has a great memory.
Surprise suprise This user is surprised to see that he is in the S rank in the Wiki brawler matchups page, ranking #6.
Minna, miteite kure This user can speak some Japanese. He can also write in Japanese.
Classics This user is quite the retro gamer, and is good at old classic games.
Long Time Smasher This user has been playing Smash Bros. for more than 10 years and has been enjoying it ever since.

MarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user enjoys eating pizza pies.
LuigiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is tall (fairly), slim, a younger brother, and is far from fearless.
DrMarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has Aspergers syndrom.
RosalinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves blondes.
BowserJrIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's brother is a Jr.
PeachIcon(SSB4-U).png This user was wondering why Peach entered the SSB series.
BowserIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is short tempered.
YoshiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has aquaphobia...
WarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can be lazy but can score really high in the WareWare series.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks it would be cool to be big and strong...
DiddyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wants to climb trees.
LinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wants L-canceling to return.
YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png This user drinks milk every day.
ToonLinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user watchs and loves anime.
ZeldaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user enjoys magic.
SheikIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes ninjas.
GanondorfIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves to dair dair dair, and thinks that Ganondorf is underrated.
SamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks heavy-weights and slow fallers don't mix.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has high standards and would want a girl with a pleasing personality...
KirbyIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can space those bairs like a pro, but still prefers the SSB64 Kirby.
MetaKnightIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a perfectionist.
KingDededeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves to bair bair bair...
FoxIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would love to pull off dis up smash.
FalcoIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is happy about slower falling speeds.
WolfIcon(SSBB).png This user can't let you do that.
PikachuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks Pikachu has the best nair and the worst bair.
JigglypuffIcon(SSB4-U).png This user misses the almost OHKO power in her rest attack.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user is cute, loveable, and almost has a baby face.
MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png This user was disappointed when he didn't see Mewtwo in Brawl.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBB).png This user is a Pokemon fan.
SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png This user will never smoke, drink liquor, nor do drugs.
IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png This user loves the outdoors and thinks he should go outside more often.
CharizardIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would like to control fire.
LucarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves science and knows a lot about it.
GreninjaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wants you to remember what was on the Yoshi userbox.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSB4-U).png This user always Falcon pwnes with Falcon PAAWWNNCH!!!!.
NessIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes baseball.
LucasIcon(SSBB).png This user wishes PSI powers were real.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png This user doesn't like very cold weather.
MarthIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can still land this dair meteor smash easily.
RoyIcon(SSBM).png This user has seen "Wii Want 2 B in Brawl."
IkeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is strong.
LucinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks there are too many characters with a counter as a down special.
RobinIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would like a magical book.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is good with math.
PitIcon(SSBB).png This user is a Christian.
PalutenaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user think SSB4 would make a great anime.
DarkPitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a dark side.
OlimarIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks Olimar is useless.
ROBIcon(SSB4-U).png This user doesn't really care for R.O.B.
SonicIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a loner.
SnakeIcon(SSBB).png This user has never played a rated M game (and never will).
VillagerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks Villager is annoying.
MegaManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is curious about MegaMan.
LittleMacIcon(SSB4-U).png This user isn't buff looking.
WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a fit user.
Pac-ManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a retro gamer and Pac-Man was his first game that he played.
ShulkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's really feeling it.
DuckHuntIcon(SSB4-U).png This user remembers Duck Hunt and is fond of dogs.
RyuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can't perform Shoryukens.
CloudIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes to say 限界を超える.
BayonettaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user-- wait, remember what you read on the Snake userbox.
MiiBrawlerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is becoming a fighter.
MiiGunnerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a gunner (virtually that is).
MiiSwordfighterIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would love a sword to call his own.
Guideline.png This user has gotten a Certificate of Academic Excellence for outstanding achievement in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies on 11/16/01.
Music.png This user loves listening to video game music...
An icon for use on pages that need cleanup. This user has mysophobia.
An icon used in notice templates. This user has 5 other phobias...
Future.png This user has made you take your time by reading his userboxes.
Unnotable.png You're still here? This user has took up even more of your time.
An icon for use in warning templates and the like. Wow, this user must be thinking you like to read...