Dave's Stupid Rule is a regulation that is in effect at most tournaments. While there are minor variations of the rule, they all have the same intention: to prevent a player from having an unfair advantage by playing the same stage multiple times in a set. The rule is named after the smasher Scamp.
Original ruling
At the rule's simplest level, no stage that has already been played in a set may be picked for another game in the same set, regardless of what the results of the previous set were.
For example, a random pick chooses Final Destination for the first game of a Falco vs. Ike match. The Falco player loses, so they get to pick the next stage. They want to choose Final Destination again, due to its flat shape giving Falco the ability to pressure with his Blaster. However, Dave's Stupid Rule states that Final Destination cannot be played again in that round due to having already been used, so the Falco player must pick a different stage.
Some variations of Dave's Stupid Rule have appeared at multiple tournaments, often in order to provide better options for players or to fix perceived balance issues with the default ruling.
Winner's variation
The most common variation of Dave's Stupid Rule is that a player cannot pick a stage they have won on during the set in question. Therefore, under this variation, the Falco player in the previous example would be free to pick Final Destination for the second game, having previously lost on such a stage. Should the Falco player win, however, they can no longer pick the stage for future matches in the set.
Random rulings
Another variation to Dave's Stupid Rule states that if the counterpicking player chooses Random and ends up selecting a stage that was either previously played on or the player had previously won on, the match may continue unfettered. In some tournaments, where only three or four stages are allowed, this is often a viable strategy to get the same stage twice in one match.
"Modified DSR"
One of the newest variations of Dave's Stupid Rule, known as "Modified DSR", states that a player cannot pick the last stage they have won on during the set, while any stages of previous wins are fair game. In the previous example with Falco and Ike, if Ike wins on Battlefield and Lylat Cruise for two back-to-back matches, followed by Falco winning a match on Final Destination, the Ike player can select Battlefield, but they cannot select Lylat Cruise. This ruling is intended to allow for a greater variety of stages to be available.
Modified DSR, however, became controversial because of the "Mew2King Effect", wherein a player that wins on the counterpick stage of their opponent is able to pick another counterpick. The effect was named after the smasher Mew2King who infamously kept using Marth on Final Destination against Fox and Falco.
"Tero's Smart Rule/Stage Dismissal Rule"
Amid the criticism of Modified DSR, the German Smash community elected to modify Dave's Stupid Rule again to rectify the perceived flaws of the previous ruling. Called "Tero's Smart Rule" after tournament organiser Tero and later called the "Stage Dismissal Rule" (SDR) as a visual pun on DSR, the ruling states that players cannot pick a counterpick stage again if they have previously won on it. Initially obscure, the rule was given greater exposure after top professional smashers Scar and Armada praised it in a Melee It On Me podcast; it is now commonplace within the European Smash scene.