Forums: Index → Brawl Talk → Fire Emblem Lyrics
I can't believe it's still impossible to find the Latin Lyrics to Fire Emblem on the Internet. If no one knows of any way to get them then I think I might take it upon myself to try and discern them from the soundtrack and the English translation.
I tried a little this morning, but it's really challenging. There's the Japanese accent to contend with on top of everything else! I've almost managed to get a couple of lines though.
Any input woould be appreciated.
JUG (talk) 09:20, 11 May 2009 (UTC)
- Which song are you referring to? If you're asking for lyrics to what I'm thinking you're asking lyrics to, I think that's another language or something. I still can't translate the lyrics for Brawl's theme. Blue Ninjakoopa 10:32, 11 May 2009 (UTC)