The Earthquake Glitch refers to a glitch performed by Kirby using his down special move, Stone. The glitch will cause the shock waves from Stone to spread out over and over very rapidly.

How to Perform

This glitch can be performed on the stage Pictochat, where it is often known as "Pictopounding". The Kirby player must go to the right side of the main platform where there is a slope, then use the down special move. Kirby will transform and create numerous shock waves, and making the screen shake. He will remain like this for the duration of the move. This does not work on the left side of the stage, instead making him slide off the edge and fall.

It can also be performed on any Stage Builder stage. On any long flight of stairs, around the bottom, the stone will slide down until it reaches the end. The stone will cause many shockwaves to occur, making it impossible to fall off. This does not happen all the time.

This glitch can also be performed on the boss Porky. When he is using his walk attack (at a minimum speed), using Stone on the front end of the walker (in the direction he is walking) will cause the earthquake glitch, allowing massive damage and an easy kill.


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