Ganondorf performs a shoulder bash. It is one of its most potent burst options, making it very useful in neutral or to catch landings. The strong hit is a combo starter at low percent, letting Ganondorf follow up with a neutral aerial or a up aerial, and becomes a kill move later on. Dash attack also has the ability to cross-up, making it relatively safe if spaced correctly.
This move also shines when it is coupled with Flame Choke, being able to cover multiple options at once and creating a 50-50 when the aerial version is landed.
The late hit is much safer and way less powerful than the early hit, allowing it to consistently lead into neutral aerial and up aerial, or even in certain cases forward aerial and back aerial, making it one of the only way for Ganondorf to kill confirm. However, it barely extends past his hurtbox, making it trade or lose against a lot of moves, and also causing issues with the jostle mechanics present in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Overall a staple of Ganondorf's toolkit and one of the best in the game.
Clean hit | 10-12 |
Late hit | 13-19 |
Interruptible | 38 |
Animation length | 60 |
Lag time |
Hitbox |
Hitbox change |
Interruptible |