Team:New Age of Smash

Revision as of 01:00, November 25, 2007 by smashwikia>SMASH-Janitor
File:TF Members.jpg
Yomi-no-Kuni (Sheik)
$hYne (Jigglypuff)
Nik (Link)
lexxil (Falco)
MUGG (Fox)
Siruma (Falco)
ExoDuZ (Marth)

New Age of Smash (Short: NAS) is a Crew from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.


NAS was founded on 19.10.2006 by Yomi-no-Kuni and $hYne. They had the idea after a litte Smashfest in Freiburg together with Nik and lexxil. After they discovered that on that MUGG lives nearby he joined the crew in November 06 followed by Siruma in December. ExoDuZ joined on the Easter Egg Parade in Alsheim,Germany on 5.04.07 .

NAS has been terminated in favor of Royal Flush after 1 year anniversary.


NAS hosted 4 Tournaments in Freiburg (Baden Wuerttemberg/Germany) called SFF.The 4 tournaments had entrants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The SFF Tournament Series started in December 06 and are nowerdays part of germanys biggest Smash tournaments. The biggest one was called DST.

Easter Egg Parade was the first German Tournament NAS was attending.Shyne placed best together with ExoDuZ (who was not in NAS at that time). Yomi also went on rampage in the random crew match (randomly mixed up crews) and defeated Jon_ass and Siruma.

Yomi, Shyne and lexxil also went to Road to Bodio 2, a swiss/italian Tournament,which was hosted by Dax in Bodio, Switzerland. They did a good job fighting against Aldwyn McCloud, Dax and Seretur. NAS placed seccond in the Crew Tournament after loosing scantly to a Crew formed with the people listed above. Shyne and Yomi also did very well in teams

NAS is also host of the South-german Bi-weeklies the first german bi-weeklie series.

NAS Crewmeeting July 07

Formed Teams


Videos of NAS can be found on youtube .

Misc. Videos

