Character info
Ultimate mains Joker, Pikachu
Other Ultimate characters Byleth, Mii Gunner
Personal and other info
Real name Igor Maćkowiak
Birth date (age 22)
Location Poland Poland
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. 4 Crappy (retired)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate A little bit good

CrazyUberEngineer also in Poland Igor Gaming was the polish Smash Bros. player who fought often free-for-all and rarely 1v1 battles. Begins his smash adventure in 2016 Super Smash Bros. Melee on Gamecube Emulator Dolphin but he passed for a long time. Then back in April 2017 on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U but also he passed from July 2017 when he gets Nintendo Switch. He also back in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in December 10th 2018 and fought good with some trainings.

My records

 Century Smash: 02:56.88 as Ganondorf
 All-Star Smash (Solo): 34 Defeated as Ganondorf
 All-Star Smash (2 Co-Op): 31 Defeated as Min Min & Ridley
 Home-Run Contest (Solo): 918.638 km as Ganondorf
 Home-Run Contest (Co-Op): 484.013 km as Ness & Kirby
 Classic Mode (Solo): 1,044,550 points as Min Min with intensity 7.3

My Mii Fighters

Mii Brawler

Mii Swordfighter

Mii Gunner

My Amiibos

These amiibos what am I planning

Amiibo Trivias

  • Name Paździoch for Mario amiibo would be based of fictional character Marian Paździoch from Polish TV comedy "Świat Według Kiepskich".
  • Does Marian was an Polish jokingly name of Mario.
  • Planned Name Fake Steve and Cyan color for Villager amiibo would be based of Steve from Minecraft.
  • But in October 1st, 2020 Nintendo announces Steve was joining into to Smash Bros. Ultimate as Fighter with Fighters Pass Vol. 2
  • And also planned name Redrum would be based of "The Shining" which definitely Villager for Smash was the uncommon internet meme.