Super Smash Bros. series

Back throw

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Luigi's back throw in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

A back throw (後投げ, Rear/back throw; commonly abbreviated as b-throw or Bthrow, and referred to as ThrowB internally) is a throw performed by tilting the control stick opposite to the direction the character is facing after having grabbed the opponent.

Back throws rarely lead to combos, but typically have good knockback (often more than forward throws) and thus can be used to set up edgeguards or KO opponents near the edges of stages. In Smash 64, all back throws have very high knockback and are viable KO moves, a trait that carries over to many back throws in future games.

List of back throws

Back throws with hitboxes consist of two or more hits on the grabbed opponent (the hitbox, then the throw), and can affect other opponents near the thrower. Additionally, some back throws may possess a collateral hitbox, which affects nearby opponents but not the victim of the throw. Unless stated otherwise, all back throws have the attacker put the opponent behind themselves in some way.

Character Description Hitbox
Banjo & Kazooie unknown
Bayonetta Launches the opponent with a vertical roundhouse kick. Yes
Bowser Tosses the opponent backward. No
Bowser Jr. Spins around once and tosses the opponent with the Koopa Clown Car's claw. No
Captain Falcon Launches the opponent with a high back kick. Yes
Charizard Leans forward, then tosses the opponent backward with its mouth. No
Chrom Lifts one leg and tosses the opponent over it. No
Cloud Kicks the opponent away. Yes
Corrin Transforms his free arm into a Dragon Fang spear and stabs the opponent with it. Yes
Daisy Launches the opponent with a hip thrust. Yes
Dark Pit Spins around once and slams the opponent onto the ground. No
Dark Samus Tosses the opponent with a turnaround whip of the Grapple Beam. No
Diddy Kong Tosses the opponent backward with both hands. No
Donkey Kong Super Smash Bros. Tosses the opponent backward with both hands.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tosses the opponent backward with one hand.
Dr. Mario Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. 4 Spins the opponent around three times with both arms, then tosses them backward.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lifts the opponent, then tosses them backward after an exaggerated delay.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. 4 Yes (collateral)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate No
Duck Hunt The dog swings his head backward and tosses the opponent. No
Falco Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Tosses the opponent at a diagonal angle backward and fires three rapid shots from his Blaster.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tosses the opponent at a diagonal angle backward and fires one shot from his Blaster.
Fox Super Smash Bros. Performs the tomoe nage, a judo throw.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tosses the opponent at a diagonal angle backward and fires three rapid shots from his Blaster.
Super Smash Bros. Yes (collateral)
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Yes
Ganondorf Launches the opponent with a high back kick. Yes
Greninja Tosses the opponent backward with both hands without turning around. No
Hero Performs the tomoe nage, a judo throw. No
Ice Climbers Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Tosses the opponent backward with one arm.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Slams the opponent onto the ground behind themselves with one arm.
Ike Launches the opponent with a roundhouse kick. Yes
Incineroar Performs a German suplex. Yes
Inkling Spins around once, then turns into squid form and tosses the opponent. No
Isabelle Tosses the opponent backward with her net. No
Ivysaur Tosses the opponent backward with its vines. No
Jigglypuff Performs a suplex. No
Joker Lifts one leg and tosses the opponent over it with a flourish. No
Ken Rolls backward twice and tosses the opponent. No
King Dedede Launches the opponent with an upward hammer swing. Yes
King K. Rool Drags the opponent backward along the ground and tosses them. No
Kirby Performs a suplex. No
Link Kicks the opponent away. Yes
Little Mac Uppercuts the opponent away. Yes
Lucario Slams the opponent onto the ground behind itself. No
Lucas Tosses the opponent backward with PSI. No
Lucina Lifts one leg and tosses the opponent over it. No
Luigi Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4 Spins the opponent around three times with both arms, then tosses them backward.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Slams the opponent onto the ground behind himself with the Poltergust G-00.
Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4 Yes (collateral)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate No
Mario Spins the opponent around three times with both arms, then tosses them backward. Yes (collateral)
Marth Lifts one leg and tosses the opponent over it. No
Mega Man Tosses the opponent backward with an underhanded swing of the Super Arm. No
Meta Knight Warps to the other side of the opponent and slashes them away. Yes
Mewtwo Super Smash Bros. Melee Lifts the opponent overhead with PSI and tosses them backward.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Swings one arm horizontally and tosses the opponent with PSI.
Mii Brawler Launches the opponent with a roundhouse kick. Yes
Mii Gunner Tosses the opponent at a diagonal angle backward and fires one shot from the arm cannon. Yes
Mii Swordfighter Kicks the opponent away. Yes
Mr. Game & Watch Juggles the opponent as a ball from front to back, then tosses them. No
Ness Lifts the opponent overhead with PSI and tosses them backward. No
Olimar The Pikmin grabbing the opponent slams them onto the ground behind Olimar. No
Pac-Man Spins around once and tosses the opponent. No
Palutena Tosses the opponent backward performing an inverted version of the Arabesque. No
Peach Launches the opponent with a hip thrust. Yes
Pichu Super Smash Bros. Melee Rolls backward three times and tosses the opponent.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rolls backward once and tosses the opponent.
Pikachu Super Smash Bros. Zaps the opponent on its back, then launches them backward.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4 Rolls backward three times and tosses the opponent.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rolls backward twice and tosses the opponent.
Piranha Plant Tosses the opponent with a horizontal swing of its head. No
Pit Spins around once and slams the opponent onto the ground. No
R.O.B. Tosses the opponent backward with both hands. No
Richter Tosses the opponent backward. No
Ridley Tosses the opponent backward with an underhanded swing. No
Robin Tosses the opponent backward using magic. No
Rosalina & Luma Telekinetically spins the opponent around herself once, then tosses them. No
Roy Lifts one leg and tosses the opponent over it. No
Ryu Performs the tomoe nage, a judo throw. No
Samus Tosses the opponent with a turnaround whip of the Grapple Beam. No
Sheik Kicks the opponent away. Yes
Shulk Stabs the opponent with the Monado. Yes
Simon Tosses the opponent backward. No
Snake Slams the opponent onto the ground behind himself. Yes
Sonic Somersaults backward several times in the air, then performs the tomoe nage upon landing. No
Squirtle Super Smash Bros. Brawl Dropkicks the opponent away.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lifts the opponent and tosses them backward.
Super Smash Bros. BrawlYes
Super Smash Bros. UltimateNo
Terry Unknown
Toon Link Performs the tomoe nage, a judo throw. Super Smash Bros. BrawlYes
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. UltimateNo
Villager Tosses the opponent backward with his net. No
Wario Super Smash Bros. Brawl Launches the opponent with a rear thrust.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Spins the opponent around three times with both hands, then tosses them.
Super Smash Bros. BrawlYes
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. UltimateYes (collateral)
Wii Fit Trainer Dropkicks the opponent away. Yes
Wolf Super Smash Bros. Brawl Somersaults backward and slashes the opponent away from above.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Slashes the opponent away with a claw uppercut.
Yoshi Spits the opponent backward. No
Young Link Kicks the opponent away. Yes
Zelda Telekinetically tosses the opponent backward. No
Zero Suit Samus Launches the opponent with a roundhouse kick. Yes

Notable back throws

  • Fox, Falco, and Mii Gunner's back throws are the only ones to release projectiles, in the form of lasers that can be reflected and absorbed. Fox fires three lasers that cause no knockback, much like those of his neutral special; likewise, Falco in Melee and Brawl fires three lasers that cause weak knockback. In Smash 4 and Ultimate, Falco and Mii Gunner instead fire a single laser that deals much more knockback, with Falco's being capable of KOing near the edge at high percentages.
  • Kirby's back throw in Melee causes him to functionally leave the ground, and can be used for a Kirbycide. However, it is one of the only two standard throws in the series that can be escaped without receiving external knockback (the other being his forward throw). From Brawl onward, this is no longer the case.
  • Corrin's back throw possesses a tipper hitbox that only affects nearby opponents, and can KO considerably earlier than the throw itself. This is also the case for his forward throw.
  • Ness's back throw in all games except Smash 64 is the opposite of his forward throw, possessing very low base knockback, but very high knockback scaling, making it noticeably powerful at high percentages compared to other back throws. It is the strongest back throw in Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4, and one of the strongest throws overall, KOing under 140% from the center of Final Destination.
    • Villager's back throw in Smash 4, as well as Isabelle's in Ultimate, have similar properties, although they are slightly weaker.
  • Mario, Luigi, and Dr. Mario's back throws are among the strongest in all of their appearances. Mario and Dr. Mario's are at their strongest in Melee, while Luigi's is at its strongest in Brawl, all KOing under 110% near the edge.
  • Incineroar's back throw in Ultimate is the strongest in the game at the edge, KOing under 100%, which slightly outpowers even Ness's back throw.
  • In Smash 64, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, and Samus have the most damaging back throws in the series, dealing 18%.
  • In Melee, Mewtwo's back throw is very powerful, and is considered one of its best finishers, KOing at around 100% near the edge.
  • Charizard's back throw has almost no ending lag (only 4 frames in Brawl and Smash 4, and 7 frames in Ultimate), allowing it to combo into aerial attacks from low to mid percentages, especially in the latter two games due to the changes to hitstun canceling. If the opponent's air dodge or jump is successfully read, it can even lead into an aerial Flare Blitz and KO at low percentages near the edge.