
A shield, also known officially as the blocking dodge, is a bubble/egg encircling the user, that blocks all attacks with the exception of grabs and Final Smashes. One raises the shield by pressing L or R (Z Button in the original Super Smash Bros.) when standing on the ground.

Technical details

Though the shield deflects most attacks without fail, it does not always cover the character's entire damageable collision bubble - thus, the user is still vulnerable to shield stabbing. Additionally, the shield can be shrunk by holding it for too long, or after being hit by enemy attacks. When the shield shrinks so much it disappears, the shield breaks and the character becomes dazed for a period of time, unable to act or attack. If a projectile hits the shield bubble at just the right angle, it will be deflected, rather than blocked.

The initial raising of the shield creates a small energy wave; if that wave hits a projectile, it will be reflected back.

If using the L or R button to shield, one can adjust the depression of the button to alter the density of the shield. When held very lightly, the shield is large and shrinks slowly, but if held all the way down, the shield is small and shrinks quickly. The denser the shield is, the less knockback occurs when the shield blocks an attack. If one uses the Z button to Shield, then the shield will be a maximum size, however this shield will take a bit longer to put up as the character will try to grab, first.

Interestingly, variable shield density and the ability for shields to reflect have been removed from Brawl. Density was presumably removed because the Shield button can be assigned to buttons that aren't as pressure sensitive as the Gamecube Controller's L and R buttons.

Options from the shield

When holding their shield, characters do not have all the same options as they do when standing, but they are still able to use many moves. A character can roll to reposition himself while retaining invincibility. If a player predicts that the enemy will grab to penetrate his shield, he can quickly sidestep to avoid the grab. If the control stick is tilted slightly, the shield can be moved slightly to help block attacks from specific directions if the shield gets too small.

Characters can also grab and jump out of their shield. Grabbing after blocking an attack is a prevalent technique known as shield grabbing - it allows one to quickly retaliate against an enemy attacker. Jumping from the shield allows characters to immediately shffl, wavedash or jump-cancel into their up smash or up B attacks. All these offensive and defensive options make shielding the centerpiece to a player's defensive game.

Yoshi's shield

Yoshi has a different shield from that of other characters'. Instead of using a bubble, he uses an egg for protection. This egg does not shrink, preventing any attempts at shield stabbing. As it weakens, the egg darkens from white to dark red (similar to the colour of the percentage meters). The egg prevents Yoshi from jumping out of his shield, but when lightshielding, Yoshi's traction is reduced to less than Luigi's, and will slide a huge distance when attacked. Also, Yoshi has been known to randomly Perfect Shield (not completely understood), and is also completely invincible during his shielding animation.

Jigglypuff's shield woes

  • While having a very large shield compared to Jigglypuff's size, if Jigglypuff's shield breaks, it flies to the top of the screen and, if nothing stops it, Jigglypuff will self-destruct. This phenomenon is known as the Shield Jump and can be advantageous.

Shield Break

Each character has a shield with a particular size and strength. With each hit inflicted within a period of time, the shield will diminish until it is broken. This results in the character receiving damage, being thrown into the air, and being stunned for a few moments. Shield breaking moves are ones that can be comboed to prevent a character from rolling out or from dropping the shield without being hit. The easiest shield breaking move is Kirby's up tilt, which will break a shield in 3-4 hits without the shielder being able to roll out. Marth, Roy, and Ike's neutral-B attacks, at a full charge, will break a shield, period.

One fact that fighters who use Jigglypuff should be careful about is its shield breaking. Like other characters, if Jigglypuff's shield breaks, Jigglypuff will fly upward and then be stunned for a short period of time. Jigglypuff, however, flies several hundred times farther upward than anyother character in the game(s). This is well enough to kill Jigglypuff, unless there is a ceiling or some other obstacle preventing it from flying straight up.