Plusle & Minun are two Electric-type Pokémon from the Pokémon series. They look similar to each other and Pikachu. Their abilities Plus and Minus allow them to work very well together in a double battle.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Trophy Description

Cheering Pokémon. Plusle and Minun produce positive and negative energy, respectively. They both love cheering on their partners and place the encouragement of their partners over their own safety. To cheer, they short their electric currents to produce sparks that grow in intensity as their partners get into trouble.

Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire, 2003

Unlock Trophy

The only way to unlock the Pulse and Minun Trophy is to get all Final Smash trophies. This means that you must complete All-Star mode with every character (Including Zero Suit Samus, Sheik, and so on).

"Pra & Mai"

Plusle & Minun may or may not have been planned characters for Super Smash Bros. Brawl that were ultimately left out at the end. Hackers discovered a partially programmed character under the label "PRA&MAI". The hackers were unable to access much data about "Pra & Mai", so whether or not they were in fact intended to be Plusle and Minun is only speculation. However it might not have been them because if they would be on a tag team, like Ice Climbers, then they should have each had their own separate data like Popo and Nana did, and not together.