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Random-Ness "DJ Coolio"
Team info
Former crews YuRaTiQ Park
Personal and other info
Real name Simon Drugge
Location   Sweden
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Professional
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Random-Ness (often referred to as Ness) is a Swedish smasher that recently entered the smash scene. He mains Captain Falcon and Fox but he has a secret behind his character choice. He chooses characters depending his mood. This way he can play almost every character at an intermediate level. He has only got his copy of ''Melee'' in 4 months and been serious for 6 months. He is an incredibly fast learner like his former crew mates: Yuna, Tin and Q and is aiming for a high ranking in the Swedish smash scene.

Recently Ness has been playing a lot with Captain Falcon and developed his mindgames to a relatively high level. Ness is called Dj Coolio sometimes, this name comes from a joke Ness made: If I totally suck at my next tournament, I'm going to change name to Dj Coolio.

He was the founder and captain of the small crew YuRaTiQ park.

When with friends he is also known for making a lot of jokes and being "the funny guy" in the group, however, when he sometimes wants to be serious it comes out as a joke and everybody starts to laugh.

He is a bad loser but makes up for it being a good winner by telling people he plays with that they are good and so on. He gets angry when people taunt but he does it himself all the time.

When Random got home from Rox4, he was quiet pleased with his own play during the tournament, however he said that he would probably quit playing smash in a while because he was disappointed that he did not make it out of pools. However he made major improvement with his main, Fox, as well as developing a new style with Luigi based solely on mindgames and feints.


Random-ness's and Q's crew was dissolved about a year ago, but he is still an active player and plays together with Q during weekends for the most part. He has evolved a lot, like Q, and has to this day played for roughly 2 years.

He's about eighth in the Swedish ranking, after his last tournament STIG which was his real breakthrough, and is now, finally, considered among the top ten in the Swedish ranking. He is to this date, a multi-mainer but as of late it's his Captain Falcon that is his most played character. He also enjoys his crazy Falco a lot which is known to be very special with a really good Blaster game.

His notable wins include winning a set against Dude, the former top 3 player from Sweden, and Akke, who is to this date, one of the best Sheik players in Sweden. @ Svar7 He managed to beat half of Armada's Crew (Ultimate gamers of Sweden) in singles (Aniolas, Android and Smasher89) as well as having some heated matches with the old school top pro player EK.