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Brawl+ is a working project designed to make various aspects of Brawl more competitive. It no longer requires specific software to be installed to the Wii. More information can be found at The Official Brawl+ Site at

Currently available modifications include (but are not limited to):


  • No random Prat Falling. Moves that trip the opponent such as bananas will still trip.
  • A new character select screen with independent icons for Zelda, Sheik, Zero Suit Samus, and all Pokémon Trainer Pokémon.
  • Decrease of hitlag in long hitlag moves, such as Captain Falcon's sweetspotted forward aerial and Marth tipped forward smash.
  • Fully independent versions of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, though Pokemon Trainer can still be selected. For the stand-alone characters, Stamina has been removed, and the Pokemon will not cycle upon revival or via Pokemon Change. The Pokemon Trainer will not appear in the background or the victory screen if players choose to play an independent Pokemon.
  • Automatic L-canceling, also known as ALR or Aerial Lag Reduction (most characters' landing lag from aerials has been reduced to 50%; Captain Falcon and Lucas to 40%; Link to 35%)
  • Dash cancel. -Crouch to cancel a dash.
  • No replay time limit. Replay icon still does not appear if the game is longer than three minutes, but if Z is pressed the replay may be saved normally.
  • Window of time for dash-dancing lengthened, enabling more Melee-like DDing.
  • Ability to shield during dash-dancing.
  • No Stale-Move Negation.
  • Stage freezing. -Stops all stage movement, potentially allowing for more neutral stages. Only applies for:
  • No Auto sweetspot ledges.
  • Lag-less edges - characters can now drop from or climb onto ledges immediately after grabbing them
  • Incorporates the File Replacement, allowing Brawl+ users to easily download textures, music, and Project Smash Attack Characters.
  • The Online Practice Stage is now loaded whenever New Pork City is selected. (Versus Mode only)

Gameplay Tweaks

  • Character balancing. Captain Falcon, for example, has been significantly improved.
  • Faster overall gameplay speed, largely due to reduced lag and sped-up attack frames
  • Increased Falling Speed for most characters
  • Increased fast-falling speed for most characters
  • Increased hitstun, allowing for truly inescapable combos, and more comboing potential in general
  • Tech window enlarged, making for easier teching
  • Faster techrolls
  • Fixes grab release problems. No more grab release problems to characters like Wario, Ness or Lucas.
  • Perfect shield window decreased.
  • Increased Shield Stun, meaning a character hit while using their shield is forced to stay shielded for a longer amount of time.
  • Many moves received slight alterations (e.g.: Bowser's forward smash now produces a fire effect on contact with the opponent, Wizard's Foot gives another jump for recovery, and Rest now produces the familiar fire effect and launches the enemy at an angle instead of upward)
  • Buffer time for moves can be changed to 0-10 frames in Versus mode (Brawl's default is 10).
  • Using the C-Stick for a downward aerial attack no longer produces an auto-fastfall
  • Triple jump glitch removed
  • Unrestricted camera during replays, and while paused in Versus match.
  • Default Versus settings now four stock, eight minutes, Team Attack on
  • Nametags are saved in replays
  • Grabs give the victim back their second jump (removes ability to grab a character at the ledge and drop them to force a death)
  • Extended out-of-bounds limits on certain stages
  • Differently colored shields

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