Forums: Index Brawl Talk The Tier Wars

This is... not Sparta. However, it IS the most controversial topic of Smash. Should tiers be used, or shouldn't they? There have been many heated arguments in the past, and there's even a "Tiers Are for Queers" movement now. Honestly, I'd have to say that tiers are for understandable, professional play, not queers. This forum asks one question: what do YOU think? - GalaxiaD 21:20, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

Tiers do not exist as people say they do, in my opinion. Smash is a very complex game, and while you may be able to say that someone is better than someone else, people are too different for these someones to be the same. Also, the list further popularises the characters at the top, leading more people to play with them, leading to them being at the top again. But, this is not to say that all characters are equal. I've said it before, i'll say it again, Tiers MAY exist, however, tiers are not the same for everyone (Cept for Ike, he is blatantly at the top-I'm joking)-Dr. Ike!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 22:48, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

No. Tiers do not exist. They are made up by empty-skulled proffesionals who only play as Fox, who can be KO'd at low percentage by most up smashes. Tiers are not real. I do not say that they may exist, I say that they do not exist period, with no possible way for them to be, and that is final. XXXXX 00:09, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

Even if we don't discus or develop a formal tier list there will be a statically significant difference between the success rates of characters that can be observed for any given combination of rules, stages, items, players, and strategies; the tiers are nothing more than a slight edge given to a player but the main determining factor in any round is and will always be skill, I mean look a Gimpyfish he plays a low tier character but is competitive because of his skill with bowser. I think many people are confusing the attempt to construct a tier list with a claim that only the character selected matters in the outcome of a match. Also the tier list being constructed is only really applicable to the ridiculously regimented and specific metagame of the tournament scene, there is a different (and discriminated against lol) tier list for say coin matches with smokeballs, fans, and bumpers allowed and the only level allowed is Warioware and there is another for no items but only wiimotes and constant curry breath and flowers on head of tiny characters on Big Blue. Case and point in Melee Mewtwo is the very bottom most tier in competition but if he has items to throw he is actually well still not great but by virtue of his excellent item tossing he is good enough to win me $100 by beating my friend's Marth (He made an arrogant and poorly worded challenge that allowed me to choose everything but the characters). But back to the topic at hand just because there is a tier list that is no reason for you to change how you play if you find it fun, if you enjoy playing Yoshi then play the damn dinosaur, we aren't going to scorn you, and if you get really good at him and win a competition then we will say you are a skilled player regardless of who you use to do so.Knifeblade (talk) 17:43, 20 May 2008 (UTC)